Horoscope for 2021.

The Year of the White Metal Bull (Ox) will begin on February 12, 2021. The bull is a symbol of hard work, tranquility, justice. He shows an enviable determination to achieve his goals. The dominant element of the year is metal, the Bull in all its glory can demonstrate its iron will and steel nerves. The color of the metal is white, symbolizes nobility, restraint and wisdom.
The bull embodies external solidity, independence, consistency and the pursuit of order. He is attached to his habits, conservative and pragmatic. The bull is very persistent and stubborn, therefore succeeds where others retreat. He is practical and careful, not inclined to change his principles and change. The bull is endowed with tremendous strength of mind, often physically enduring. He is hardworking, able and loves to ensure the welfare of the whole family. The bull is angry, can suddenly lose his temper; he is difficult to suggest and manipulate. He is synonym for reliability and constancy.
The horoscope for the year 2021 according to the signs of the zodiac and year of birth will help you make friends with the White Metal Bull and maximally fulfill everything conceived in the new year of 2021.

Horoscope 2021 - what to expect in the year of the White Bull
The element of Metal and the determination of the symbol of 2021 will bring many pleasant surprises to all the signs of the zodiac. On February 12, 2021 we say goodbye to the beloved White Rat and we will meet the White Metal Bull.
Any year of the Ox is usually characterized by good fertility. The Year of the Bull is the most favorable time to engage in agriculture, to introduce advanced farming and livestock farming technologies. Natural disasters usually do not happen at this time - no drought, no hail, no damage. Even such enemies as pests and birds, such as crows are less active and keep relatively neutral.
In the year of the Bull, all kinds of national actions of returning to the original roots are successfully held, at whatever level they are held - economic, demographic or cultural, and the results of such actions are always proportional to the efforts expended.
The 2021 year of the Ox is also favorable for people engaged in individual creativity, especially if they do something with their own hands - for artisans, artists and other creators. Unemployed people will feel difficulties in the year of the Bull, this time is intended for heavy monotonous work on the implementation of plans, and not for building those. One cannot count on the growth of remuneration for labor this year either. The principle of maintaining stability extends to this area of relations. In the year of the Bull, it is better to rely on yourself in everything, which is why only individuals are doing well. They are the ones who collect the rich harvests of fans and derive considerable financial benefits from it.
In social terms, the years of the Bull are not easy. This year, everyone and all of the retrograde and conservative activists are activated, and stars, as a rule, are on their side.
Democratic transformations freeze in the year of the Bull, authoritarian tendencies in power intensify. In one of these years, there was a coup in Chile, when the legally elected president, who carried out democratic reforms in the country, was ousted and a military dictator reigned. No obvious and secret resistance of the people helped then, it was broken as a result of brutal repression.
In the year of the Bull, even countries where democracy has long become the norm of government, are under pressure and a number of restrictions on public freedoms by the authorities appear. Opposition forces in the year of the Bull are usually placed in such conditions that any manifestations of discontent turn against themselves. Smart leaders of the protest-oriented strata of society weaken their rhetoric at this time, and the speeches are less radical. Governments in such years care about the welfare of the people contrary to the wishes of the people themselves and take very decisive actions.
Young professionals starting a career in the year of the Bull are usually recommended to start from the lowest position and not trying to jump over some generally accepted stage of approval. In this case, the Bull provides them with the most favored nation treatment, thanks to which in the following years their track record starts to feel significantly stronger and becomes a solid basis for further movement to the upper professional echelons.
Families who plan to have a baby in the year of the Bull should know that at this time healthy, strong and not afraid of life's difficulties children are born. The only problem is to arrange everything so that the baby is born in the cold season, it is best when the harvest is gathered and a lot of work is no longer expected. If this happens, then throughout his life the baby will never be in need, he will make less efforts to obtain his daily bread and will spend more time for lofty ideals and self-realization.

Horoscope for the year 2021 according to the signs of the zodiac
2021 Horoscope for Pisces: Pisces will not live the year of 2021 easily, although it will be remembered by the representatives of the sign exclusively by the time of an irrational spiritual connection with higher powers, which in itself is very valuable.
2021 Horoscope for Aquarius: In 2021, all paths will be opened in front of Aquarius, even those where previously absolutely nothing was possible. Everything that Aquarius can get in 2021 will depend entirely on them alone, their desires, wills, and the ability to distribute and direct efforts properly. The main focus of the year for the White Metal Bull should nevertheless be considered the establishment of partnerships.
2021 Horoscope for Capricorn: In 2021 Capricorns will be forced to adjust their lives in relation to the interests of other people, moreover, consistently and very actively. They will be expected to make responsible decisions and show their own personal growth. You can’t imagine a more difficult task. Nevertheless, Capricorns will like this turn of events simply because arranging the lives of others is the meaning of their own life, which is also aimed at reaching new levels.
2021 Horoscope for Sagittarius: The year of 2021 will be a period of empowerment for Sagittarius. They will be able to increase their level of education radically, as well as their social circle, and at the same time see the world. You should take as much knowledge and communication as the representatives of the sign will be able to master. If you overdo it, then you can lose everything.
2021 Horoscope for Scorpio: Scorpios will implement global plans in the year 2021 of the White Metal Bull. Lonely representatives of the sign will finally understand that there is no time left at all and that it used to drain through fingers. Looking around, they suddenly will be horrified to realize that the rich set of their former passions is completely ringed. You'll have to look for new people who want to spend the remaining days together, and your youthful enthusiasm will fade slightly. There will be difficulties in choosing a partner. However, the Scorpions with their indefatigable energy, tenacity and amazing conceit will cope with them pretty quickly.
2021 Horoscope for Libra: In 2021, the White Metal Bull, Libra will have to learn to live easier, without suffering so much from the minor failures that abound in the life of any person and which are given, in fact, so that a person can appreciate his victories. After all, everything is known in comparison. In 2021, representatives of this sign will be visited by inspiration. It will be marked by a powerful surge of creative energy. There will be an opportunity to get down to business, to which your soul longed, but for which there has never been enough time. Inspired with great ideas, Libras will gladly accept this gift and rush into work as if into the arms of a loved one.

2021 Horoscope for Virgo: In 2021 the Virgo will create a launch base, their personal spaceport for flying to other higher worlds of spirit and knowledge. The main thing will be that, as a rule, Virgos know what they want and move towards their goal in a directional and pedantic manner. In 2021, they will have to delve into details, master new horizons of the profession and the intricacies of interpersonal relationships. It is important to remember that in unfamiliar situations one should exercise as much tact and caution as possible, but not refuse to dig into them, since this is how the necessary experience is gained.
2021 Horoscope for Leo: In 2021 Leos will become public people. Groups that pursue certain interests will be formed around them. In each of them, Leos can be both leaders and followers. It is important only to make a choice in time and not to shy away from offers that fate itself will deliver to the representatives of the sign all year. The key should be the concept of higher activity and independence. Leos will build their destiny themselves in 2021 with the maximum growth in society. This will require significant efforts to overcome the ambitiousness and selfishness that can disrupt the social relations of Leos, and, therefore, push them out of the way envisioned by providence.
2021 Horoscope for Cancer: In 2021 Cancers will receive the freedom of choice that will be given to them in order to change their lives radically. It will be necessary to realize the causal relationships that determine the existence of representatives of the sign. And act - act boldly and swiftly, often not even in your own interests, but for the well-being of those around. It will have to be accepted as inevitable that the load of 2021 will be double for the Cancers.
2021 Horoscope for Gemini: In 2021 the life of Gemini will begin to unwind rapidly as a compressed and released spring. In this case, the representatives of the sign will generate kinetic energy themselves, and the more they have it, the better things will go. In this period Gemini will be able to master everything. You can make plans, take on any project, go to a whole new level. At the same time it is important to remember that most cases will succeed only if you do it rapidly. A phased and measured solution to problems only violates the priority of the year, and then you can immediately forget about success.
2021 Horoscope for Taurus: In 2021 Taurus will decisively achieve results in new projects and in those that were launched earlier as long-term programs. Many of the representatives of the sign will have the opportunity to advance through the ranks or change work to a more interesting and highly paid one. At the same time, family problems will have to be settled up.
2021 Horoscope for Airies: The New Year of the Metal Bull will be to the liking of Aries, the horoscope promises for 2021. Finally, the representatives of this fiery sign will be able to turn in full swing. Their mind, talent and will will be in demand. Moreover, what Aries previously considered their hobby will turn into a real source of income.
With enviable regularity in 2021, more and more new projects will be at the disposal of Aries. A good team will form around them, and Aries will find themselves in a close circle of congenial people. Just living will become very interesting. Someone in heaven decides to pretty well direct Aries to success. In such a situation, it is important not to lose the stubbornness and restlessness inherent in the carriers of this sign. Now these qualities will have a very positive effect. And one must say that it will not be easy to fulfill them, because the temptation will be very great to soak up in the rays of your own glory, acquired in previous periods. The main task of the year is to go forward, to be the master of fate, to build the future with your own hands. There will be enough obstacles even without unexpectedly laziness. For example, the offspring will show their character, to whom will have to pay attention, for which it will be necessary to redraw the work schedule thoroughly.