Karmic Horoscope

Karma is the law of return of actions committed by a person in his past incarnations. If a person has not learned the lessons of the Universe and has not drawn the right conclusions from them, he will have to go through the same path again and again until he realizes and corrects his mistakes.
In order to correct karma, you need to take responsibility for your own life. And also try to understand the karmic root causes, which, as a rule, go back to the distant past and at the same time cover future incarnations of a person.
Today, quite a lot of different methods are known, with the help of which you can determine who a person was in their past incarnations and what karmic debts they brought to correct in this life. You can know yourself with the help of hypnosis, deep meditations or by resorting to the help of a karmic specialist.
We offer the safest and easiest way - a karmic horoscope. With its help, you will be able to not only find out the reasons that formed your current karma, but also ways to improve it for the next, possibly happier and more harmonious incarnations.
Karma leaves its mark most of all on Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces. Not only do they remember their previous incarnations better than other signs, but their karma is also more overloaded with shortcomings that need to be corrected than others.
The other zodiac signs (Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius) carry lighter karma. It is much easier for them to adapt to external circumstances and easier to pay off debts from past incarnations.
His main task is to find the meaning of existence. To understand this, he should look for answers within himself. Having realized what exactly drives his actions, he will understand what tasks the Universe sets for him. Aries wants to be in constant search solving these riddles.
However, to improve his karma, this is not enough. It is important to discover such traits as sincerity, nobility and wisdom. Striving for leadership, Aries needs to get rid of selfishness and realize his best qualities and talents to the maximum.
Today's incarnation is a karmic exam for Taurus to develop talents and implement them in past lives. If Taurus is lazy and apathetic, or, on the contrary, obsessed with strong emotions and extreme - this speaks of his unpaid debts.
The task of Taurus is not only to find inner balance and integrity, but also to become a person for loved ones who is capable of being a protection and support in any life situations. Only in this way will Taurus be able to move up the karmic ladder.
If in the past incarnation Gemini fluttered through life like butterflies and did not use their talents and opportunities for the benefit of others, they will face a series of disappointments and inner emptiness in this incarnation.
Problems of a personal nature related to betrayal and treason are also possible. To correct your karma, you need to believe in yourself and open up without running away from reality. An open Gemini is a person who is able to accurately distinguish falsehood from truth. Otherwise, the fate of the Gemini is in the emptiness surrounding him.

The roots of his karma go back to heredity and ancestral memory. As a rule, Cancers remember their previous lives very well, and there is a great danger that, having become entangled in memories, they can become obsessed with the past, paying little attention to real life. It is very difficult for them to rebuild, and Cancers often feel like strangers, even in relation to the closest people.
If Cancer does not work on himself, over time he becomes an emotionally unstable, depressive and hysterical person. In order to correct karma and harmonize this incarnation, Cancers need to create a happy family, and also learn to sincerely love and care for loved ones. Only in this way will they be able to pass their karmic exams.
The more selfish Leo is, the heavier his karma. If in past lives he did not use his creative abilities, and also paid little attention to the needs of his loved ones, he will have a hard time in this incarnation.
He will face not only internal problems, such as arrogance and ambition, but also external ones - lack of money, problems in the family. The life-affirming position of a wise and not self-centered leader will help to pay off karmic debts. Who not only takes, but also gives much more in return.

Virgos pay off debts related to work and career in past incarnations. Perhaps they went to their goals, not paying attention to the needs of other people.
They betrayed, bribed, seduced - in general, they achieved their goals - by any available means. Because of this approach to life, Virgos are often prone to serious illnesses or suffer from a lack of care and love from others.
To correct their karma, they need to be less harsh and try to stop controlling everything and everyone. Virgos are often naturally endowed with healing and clairvoyance abilities. If this is your case, do not bury this talent in the ground under any circumstances. This is a gift with which you can correct your karma easily and quickly by helping people in need.
Bad social conditions, bad habits, strained family relationships, serious enemies, material losses - all these are indicators of unprocessed karma. In addition, aggressive behavior and emotional instability can be added here.
To ease your karma, you need to try to find balance, and the better you do it, the brighter and cleaner your future life will be.
Scorpios' karma is very heavy, as it is connected with physical and spiritual violence against other people in past incarnations. Scorpios who have not worked through it are constantly torn between their weaknesses and the desire to be a highly spiritual person. This endless swing is the cause of internal disharmony and deep dissatisfaction with life.
Scorpios can also be haunted by failures related to poor health, troubles in the family, at work, and money problems. To correct the situation, Scorpios must give up bad habits and rise above their whims. It is also important to avoid the temptation to delve into the occult sciences.
For Scorpios, a wonderful way out of the situation is to discard personal interest and desires and withstand the trials sent to them by fate with dignity. And if they follow the right path, very soon their whole life will change for the better and be filled with new meaning.
Karma is about working on your indecisiveness and lack of confidence. Sagittarius's task is to bring new, unusual and valuable knowledge to the world; to understand what his purpose, mission is, what his real goals and ideals are.
To do this, Sagittarius needs to go beyond the boundaries of ordinary life and allow himself to immerse himself in the spiritual world, where he will find all the answers he is interested in. If Sagittarius does not open up, subsequent, similar incarnations await him.
And the current one will pass in complexes and self-flagellation; in addition, Sagittarius will begin to blame people close to him for his troubles and problems, which will lead to serious conflicts.
In their previous life, Capricorns were very greedy and petty people. Naturally, such behavior left its mark on this incarnation, which is expressed in excessive hoarding. To correct their karma, Capricorns need to realize that there are other values besides money.
If this does not happen, Capricorns will experience painful self-digging, not understanding the reasons for their lack of fulfillment, self-pity and, as a result, a spiritual impasse. If Capricorn accepts their delusions, soberly assesses the situation and the possibilities for its solution, they will achieve very great heights in any of their endeavors.
In their past incarnation, Aquarius used religion and their significant position in society only for their own purposes. Their mistake was one-sided thinking, fanaticism and rejection of other people's opinions.
If Aquarius in this incarnation strives to be in the center of attention, gossips a lot, treats his own person with selfishness, and is sure that the world revolves around his axis - he will experience internal devastation and disappointment.
The goal of Aquarius is to learn to be free from his own Ego. And then he will become the life of the party, whose opinion is listened to.
Pisces subconsciously understand that they have come into this incarnation to atone and correct their past shortcomings. Pisces, as a rule, have such character traits as constant self-sacrifice. They seem to deliberately choose hard work and strive to communicate with problematic people.
To correct their karma, they need not so much to complicate their lives as to open their hearts to those in need. They do not necessarily have to work hard - it is more important to help.
In past incarnations, Pisces did not pass the tests of spirituality, and used forbidden knowledge only for their own benefit. Therefore, trying to live for others, Pisces subconsciously pay off their old debts.