Solar and lunar eclipses in 2023: what to expect?

Learn when eclipses will happen in 2023 and what to expect from them for each individual and the world as a whole. Keep this in mind when planning important events in your life.
What are the main astronomical events of 2023?
In terms of intensity and frequency of solar and lunar eclipses, 2023 will be mediocre. In total, 4 such astronomical events are planned: solar eclipses – 2 times; lunar eclipses – 2 times. In chronological order, they are arranged as follows: April 20 – the first solar eclipse of 2023; May 5 – lunar eclipse; October 14 – solar eclipse; October 28 – lunar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse on April 20, 2023 (Thursday)
The eclipse in the spring of 2023 will be hybrid or total annular as astronomers call it. This means that in some parts of the central strip it will be seen as full, and in others as ring-shaped (that is, the Moon will move to the maximum distance from the Earth, and a bright rim will appear around the dark spot). This celestial phenomenon will be best visualized in the east of the Indian Ocean, in Australia and in the west of the Pacific Ocean. The duration of the full phase will be equal to 76 seconds. The next time an eclipse of the same nature and strength will occur only in 2041.
Mainly the population of the southern hemisphere of the planet will be able to view it on April 20, 2023, but this does not mean at all that all other inhabitants of the Earth will not feel the impact. Since this will happen in the 7N Saros cycle, bursts of sexual energy will occur. The whole month will be favorable for those who are planning a pregnancy. In addition, in April it is recommended to deal with reproductive health and other couples.

Lunar eclipse May 5, 2023 (Friday)
This lunar eclipse is classified as a partial penumbra. This means that it will not be as visible as the full one. The easiest way to register a decrease in the intensity of moonlight with the help of special astronomical equipment, but if there are no clouds in the sky, it is likely that from one edge of the moon it will be possible to notice a darkening with the naked eye. The May lunar eclipse will be visible to Europeans, the population of Asia, Africa, Australia and even in Antarctica. The beginning of this phenomenon will take place at 16.24 (Latvian time). In connection with what is happening in the sky from April 30 to May 5, there may be sharp discrepancy between the planned amount of work and what can be done. During this period, it is good to engage in analytical activities, analyze the past period, and prepare various reporting documents. This will bring more benefits, perhaps new solutions and rationalization of your activities will become apparent.
Solar eclipse on October 14, 2023 (Saturday)
On this day, the Moon will pass in orbit, standing between the Earth and the Sun, which will disrupt the penetration of sunlight to our planet. At the same time, the Moon is smaller than the diameter of the solar circle, so it does not completely cover it. This is a very beautiful phenomenon that looks like a light ring on the surface of a dark circle. It will be observed in the northern hemisphere. At 20.59 (Latvian time) the solar eclipse will be at its maximum with the largest luminous circle. In this case, the sky will remain quite bright, and the stars will dim so much that they will not be visible.
The population of the United States, Mexico, Central America, Colombia and Brazil will be able to observe the process at different stages. It is recommended not to plan surgeries for the next week before and after the solar eclipse, especially those related to the genitourinary and cardiovascular systems.

Lunar eclipse on October 28, 2023 (Saturday)
The last significant eclipse of the year will take place in October. According to the generally accepted classification, it belongs to the group of partial or penumbral. It will be fully visible over the European part of Eurasia, in large areas of Asia and Africa, and will only partially capture East America and Australia. The maximum effect will be seen at 19.23 (Latvian time). It is recommended during this period to accept yourself, and forgive yourself for all the shortcomings and look at them from a new perspective. An increased sense of self-esteem will be the key to success for a long time to come.
Important periods of the year are the so-called midpoints - the time most distant from neighboring eclipses. In 2023, the midpoints fall at the end of July and at the beginning of August. In fact, they merge into one period lasting half a month.
At this time comes the turn of creativity, unpredictability. The most unexpected "gifts of fate" fall on these days. But the situation is different with cases that have been planned for a long time. The result can be so far from what the efforts were spent for that it will not please. The best thing you can do is relax. Astrologers consider this time to be a test of whether a person is worthy of freedom: if so, then you should expect pleasant surprises, and if not, you need to survive the period with the least losses and not blame yourself.