Omens and superstitions about eyes

Folk signs often associate a person's features with the future and destiny. This is unique in everyone and fate may formulate different messages to each individual. For a long time, eyes have generally been seen as windows to the soul. There are many beliefs and speculations on how eyes can symbolize a person's character or fate.
The shape, color, eyesight, location, and size may affect the individual's personality and destiny, overall. Let's discuss the significance of the relationship between destiny and eye appearance.
Variations of signs and eye colors
First of all, the color of an individual's eyes is a sign from fate. This can differ depending on the specific color. When we compare eye colors from most common to most rarest, brown eyes are pretty much the most common eye color out of them all. This eye color would take about half of the population at the very least.
According to popular belief, people with such eye color are more trustworthy to others, while also being approachable. This especially goes for dark brown eyes. However, sometimes it is difficult to convince the owner.
This is also a neutral symbol in eye color, as it is often considered the standard eye color. Some believe that light brown eyes denote generosity. Being the second most common eye color in the world, blue eyes are quite easy to guess when you think about its symbolism.
Blue-colored eyes typically show purity and goodness as qualities of a person, this is especially associated with infants who start out having blue eyes. Perhaps you are thoughtful by nature, and you would rather stay calm in the most stressful situations.
Dark blue eyes can be seen in refined people, on another scale.
Another eye color is green, which is one of the rarest eye colors. Green eyes indicate that the owner is able to endure difficult hardships. Such a person may be facing some challenges in their lives, but can come out of them as the winner.
While not as common as brown and blue eyes, hazel eyes also carry the significance of fate. If the eyes are hazel, this symbolizes an adventurous and vigorous person. A profound thinker is often a characteristic to the owner of these eyes.
Another eye color to consider is grey, belonging to a very small amount of the global population. Sometimes grey eyes usually belong to enthusiastic and outgoing people. It is also possible that you are reflective on some things or view things at a more complicated way.
A much more rare eye color is black. Secrets and mysteriousness is characterized in people with black eyes, referred to more specifically as very dark brown eyes. Alternatively, this eye color could symbolize their innocence. Sometimes deceit is associated with this eye color.
Other unusual eye colors have long been interpreted by different notion-makers, with much relating to spiritual abilities and mysticism. Firstly, amber eyes are found in people who are strong-willed and have high ambitions. Red eyes have been associated with intuition and hot-tempered emotions. Eyes colored in red also speak of passion, while violent or purple eyes indicate that the person will have a vibrant personality and life; however, losses throughout this life are still possible.

Good vision vs bad eyesight
Eyesight is a precious thing to each and everyone of us. When something goes wrong with the eyesight, this may considered to be an alert from fate. Both good and bad eyesight carry some sort of message to the person, including the severity of this disorder.
It is considered that people with good eyesight are generally wise in decision making situations and avoid unhealthy relationships. Sloppiness isn't a common trait among these individuals. Such people can proceed or distance themselves from affairs that never become long-standing troubles. The greater the eyesight, the more the sign can apply.
On the contrary, if a person's eyesight is poor, this is interpreted as quite the opposite. Bad eyesight is often an issue in people who find themselves unstablized in relationships and love affairs, while sometimes it is difficult to stop some of these unhealthy situations. Things may also be going upside down in their lives, or that just not everything in the person's life has been put in order.
When it comes to partial blindness, there are quite a few possibilities on what this could symbolize. Blindness in one eye may mean that the owner will be very lucky with ill-wishers or constantly face these challenges with them. It could also be a sign that the person has broke away from the way of life and will do things out of the ordinary. Aside that, this relates to the possibility that the person has gifted abilities and powerful encouragement alongside.
Sometimes, this could also mean overlooked problems often lead to long-term consequences.
Eye sizes and porportions
Signs that reflect a person's personality also concern the size and porportion of the eyes. Here, there are also many speculations on what each eye appearence signifies, whether it be double-folded eyes, almond eyes, etc. Just like with ear sizes, the size of a person's eyes are just as significant on the effects of a person's character.
Narrow-thinking and inflexibility are sometimes seen in individuals with small eyes. Such a person may not easily trust others and fall for deceit. They are generally calm and at times quiet, while they can also view things at a logical perspective. These individuals would work well in activities related to analytics and generally have a good eye.
Large eyes speak of a person's boldness and as well as their ability to have open considerations. A person with these eyes aren't normally concerned with trivial issues. Even considering this, such people can sometimes be gullible and are prone to deception. You may also have trouble keeping emotions under control, but at the same time you are quite speedy. Perhaps you are expressive and have the ability to see other people's emotions closely up front.
Almond eyes show that the owner is alert in all actions being made, though not very good in expressing feelings.
Individuals with round eyes love to spread happiness and get the attraction from others. This feature sometimes indicates sensitivity and their love for what they are passionate for.
People with eyes close together, known as close-set eyes, are sometimes seen as conservative thinkers. Notions also report that these people are very open to meeting new friends and are sociable. They love to make things more interesting for the environment despite their traditional inclinations.
Eyes further from each other (wide-set eyes) can mean that the person often has high expectations, but is prone to lacking energy to fulfill them. Some have recalled that eyes with much of the sclera visible signals tenseful situations that the person can get into.
Another possible meaning of these eyes is cruelty related to the person themselves. Perhaps the person is unfairly dealt with, or they tend to exaggerate over others. If the pupil is more dominant than the sclera, this could mean that such a person is careful with observation and pays attention to the little details. Besides that, the owner is unlikely to hold negative intentions against others.
A few notions indicate that a person with hooded eyes usually lacks high energy and are sometimes reserved in love. Besides that, they are carefree and don't worry about issues from the outside.
Monolid eyes can be found in individuals who are stubborn yet sincere. They may also be logical in some manners and are self-controlled.
If a person's eyes are deep-set, this may mean they often approach problems calmly and make actions more slowly. Such a person keeps to themselves and may have weak ties with the family.
On the other hand, protruding eyes symbolize people who wish to speak up for themselves and would fight to be in a stable position. Their sudden actions may lead to conflicts when provoked, and they may strive for independence.
Wisdom can be found in individuals with slanting eyes. Their life experiences have taught them valuable lessons and have developed point of views in various situations. These individuals are ready to give a piece of advice to others when they feel the need to.
What other eye superstitions do you have in mind? Have you heard of any obscure beliefs associated with eyes? Do some eye signs come true for you? What can you relate to eye omens and superstitions? Have some input with what the universe's relationship is with human eyes? Feel free to discuss finds, stories and experiences with the community.