Red poinsettia signs and superstitions

The red poinsettia flower has long been considered a strong carrier of positive energy, as well as a symbol of home comfort and prosperity in the family, which is why many people buy a Christmas star to decorate their home.
The plant received its second name (Christmas star) due to its appearance, since during the flowering period it is similar to a five-pointed star and has bright green leaves combined with red bracts.
Omens about poinsettia
In addition to the fact that this Mexican flower is a source of good mood, there are various signs and superstitions associated with the red poinsettia.
If conflict situations often arise in the family, and there is misunderstanding in relationships between relatives, poinsettia will help smooth out the situation and achieve harmony among loved ones.
Poinsettia subtly senses the presence of negative energy, so the presence of limp leaves and a general deterioration in the condition of the flower indicates hidden discontent among household members, which may soon burst out. In addition, the plant may begin to wither if someone in the family communicates with an envious person, who is often a guest in the house.
Sharply yellowed leaves of a plant that has just been purchased and brought into the house often indicate the presence of the evil eye or damage. It is recommended to give the flower to friends for a while, and then invite a priest to your home or consecrate each room yourself. The Christmas star must be returned after at least two weeks - if the plant feels good, this means that the house has been cleared of negative energy.
For newlyweds, poinsettia will help strengthen their marriage; in addition, the appearance of this flower in the family nest is an omen of the coming birth of a child.
The presence of a flower in the bedroom will moderate the jealous nature of the spouse significantly, strengthen family ties and help achieve harmony in intimate relationships.
The Christmas star blooms during the New Year/Christmas holidays; its presence in the center of the table will bring family happiness to the house and strengthen harmonious relationships between loved ones.
A red poinsettia received as a gift will improve your relationship with the person who gave it and fill it with goodwill.
For businessmen, having this plant in the office will help attract profitable clients and business partners. For teachers, the Christmas star promises more students.
Poinsettia is drawn to those people in whose lives there are turning points and they need help. When you decide to rearrange the pot with the Christmas star, pay attention to the behavior of your pets - if your pet chews the leaves of the plant, picks off flowers, or tries to throw off the flowerpot with the poinsettia, you should move it to another room.
Can you keep poinsettia it at home?
- Poinsettia is highly recommended to be kept at home for a number of reasons:
- the aromas of this plant activate the brain, which contributes to a significant increase in labor productivity;
- poinsettia reduces the negative impact of stressful situations on the body;
- the Christmas star enhances creativity and helps children cope with school assignments more easily;
- poinsettia has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body; its presence in the house helps to get rid of excess weight.

Where is the best place to keep poinsettias?
Since the Christmas star has poisonous juice, it is recommended to place it out of the reach of children and pets - this way you can protect the health of all residents and significantly improve the atmosphere in the house.
The best place to place a flower pot with poinsettia is the living room - residents of the house and guests gather in this room regularly, and the plant helps evenly distribute energy between everyone present.
The appearance of a Christmas star in the office will help improve relationships in the team, strengthen trust and understanding between colleagues, and increase the chances of concluding profitable deals.
The most unfavorable place for poinsettia is the bedroom, because due to its excessively strong energy, the flower can cause insomnia.
Who is the poinsettia plant especially useful for?
Proper placement and regular care of a flower contributes to a positive effect on all people, regardless of gender and age.
Poinsettia will help spouses strengthen their marriage, bring good luck to business people in all their endeavors, make it easier for children to understand the school curriculum, and for women it will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and the body as a whole.
The poinsettia flower is an undeniable assistant in the fight against the evil eye or damage, so its presence in your home will help protect all its inhabitants from the evil eye and fill your abode with positive energy.