Arousal Dream Meaning

What does arousal mean in dreams? Feeling arousal in your dream means misunderstanding in relations with your beloved. Besides that such a dream predicts romantic acquaintance and growth of self-esteem.
Feeling strong arousal in a dream means making a thoughtless deed.
If a married woman turned on in a dream, this plot may speak of jealousy of her husband.
What are the Top-5 negative arousal dream meanings?
- Painful excitement in dreams warns of losing money or documents.
- Nervous excitement - predicts the risk of being fired.
- Increasing arousal - means poverty.
- Blushing with arousal - household trauma.
- Trembling from arousal - an awkward situation.
Here are the Top-5 positive dreams about being turned on:
- A beloved person appears turned on in a dream - improving relations with him.
- Stranger’s arousal - the emergence of a new friend.
- Seeing your relative’s arousal - promises a good mood.
- Feeling the excitement at home - the fulfillment of a dream.
- Dream of arousal at work - winning the lottery.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream predicts a quick implementation of plans.
- Additional meanings by Miller:
- causing someone’s arousal speaks of a lack of attention of the opposite sex;
- experiencing arousal - means the period of troubles and losses;
- hiding your arousal - means the emergence of secrets.
According to Freud's dream book, a dream of arousal promises deterioration in well-being.
- Other interpretations by Freud:
- sudden arousal speaks of insecurity in one's own attractiveness;
- feeling pleasant arousal - harmony in relations with a partner;
- joyful excitement - getting rid of the ill-wisher.
According to Vanga, getting turned on at the sight of a loved one - means separation from loved ones; if an unfamiliar person turns you on in a dream, this is a sign of financial difficulties.