Making The Bed Dream Meaning

A dream about bed is considered a symbol of calmness, intimate adventures, fun, as well as illness and laziness. Making a bed in a dream means big changes in reality. You can find out the details in the dream book.
Did you make the bed in a dream and felt an irresistible desire to lie down on it and sleep? Miller's dream book explains this by a tendency to follow the lead of your fleeting whims, which affects your image and authority greatly.
Did you dream that you were making someone else's bed? There will be participation in a dubious enterprise, which may not end as well as planned.
What does it mean if you dream that you cover the bed with a blanket? It means that you keep some secret in your soul. Remember that the past will always haunt you until you stop regretting what you did.
For a woman, to see another young lady making her bed and covering it with a blanket in a dream means the appearance of a rival who seriously intends to destroy the dreamer's personal life. If you dreamed that some woman was remaking your bed – this is a sign of a possible betrayal of a loved one.
If a man dreamed of a bedspread beautifully tucked into a bed, this means calm and secure life awaits him, which will burden him with an excess of peace and idleness.

What does it mean if a young girl saw in a dream how she changed her bed linen and covered it with a beautiful silk rug? The Female dream book promises her a new fascinating acquaintance with a young man. However, you have to be careful, this admirer can turn out to be a real womanizer in reality.
For married ladies, a similar night vision predicts a fleeting passionate romance that will end quickly. After that, the dreamer will hide her weakness for a long time, fearing exposure every day.
Many people will be interested to know how Dr. Freud interprets such dreams. The professor believes that the dream action indicates the person's craving for sexual experiments. You are very carried away by forbidden pleasures, but at the same time they are frightening you with the fact that others will find out about your "adventures".
If you made a bed in a dream, this also means you need to cheer up, tone yourself up. Laziness prevents you from fulfilling your potential.
If a housewife saw an unkempt, crumpled bed in a dream, this image speaks of the need to put herself in order. Perhaps the current partner has ceased to feel attraction for a long time, since you yourself have ceased to see a woman in yourself.

- The Dream book from A to Z believes that the interpretation of a dream should be sought in detail. So, remember the place where you happened to make the bed:
- on the street - portends the betrayal of the soul mate, which will be revealed by others;
- in a large room without furniture - the arrival of guests;
- in the bedroom - means sexual pleasures;
- in a hospital, a hostel - portends failure, illness.
- in the nursery - sign of exhausting work.