Quartz Dream Meaning

What does seeing quartz in a dream mean? This stone is often characterized as a mineral that creates a harmonious effect. Dreams with its presence may reflect your desire to establish harmonious relationships with the outside world, the Psychological dreambook thinks.
According to Cananite’s dreambook, seeing quartz mineral in a dream is a sign that you are dealing with stubborn people.
According to the Family dreambook, dreaming about quartz denotes the inconstancy of your character and the precariousness of your position. It is considered a bad dream in which you will try to polish it. It indicates that you will waste time trying to get out of a desperate situation.
According to the Newest dreambook, a dream about quartz watch is a warning that you may be late for an important event.
Quartz seen in a dream is a symbol of purity and spiritual attunement.
The purity of the natural cut and transparency of this stone made it a priceless tool for spiritual attunement of mystics and shamans in ancient times.
In addition to beauty, quartz is believed to have special psychoelectric properties that help with meditation and inner journeys.
The crystal has the properties of a psychic transmitter and energy amplifier.
The base of this stone (silicon) is used to make microcircuits in computers that transmit impulses.
Seeing a dream about quartz can be a very important sign of entering the spiritual path and focusing your spiritual energy.
Seeing pink quartz in a dream represents your feelings of responsibility and duty.
Dreaming of transparent quartz may show your worries about some stranger. Someone or something is restraining you.