Sour Milk Dream Meaning

What does it mean if milk got bad in a dream? Dreaming of soured milk means problems in personal life or stagnation in business. Besides that, such a dream symbolizes looking for a way out of a difficult situation.
A dream about drinking sour milk warns about arguing with a loved one.
Treating a friend with sour milk in a dream means participating in a dubious project.
What are the Top-5 negative sour milk dream meanings?
- Sour milk in a glass warns of dismissal due to a conflict with the boss.
- Jar with sour milk - the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal.
- Selling sour milk means deception from loved ones.
- Buying expired milk in a dream - anxiety and bad mood.
- Seeing someone drinking spoiled milk means trouble due to frivolity.
What are the Top-5 good dreams about bad milk?
- Sour milk on the farm promises an exciting journey.
- Dream of expired milk in the store may promise an interesting event.
- Pouring sour milk means good luck in doing business.
- Cooking sour milk pancakes - prosperity and harmony.
- Someone treating you with sour milk, this may mean family happiness.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream predicts misfortune in the family.
- Additional interpretations of bad milk by Miller:
- sour milk on the table means misunderstanding in relations with relatives;
- soured milk on the counter - the risk of being in an awkward situation;
- expired milk in the refrigerator - a waste of time.
According to Freud's dream book, expired milk in a dream promises disappointment in a loved one.
- Other interpretations by Freud:
- dream of buying sour milk - disrupting plans;
- pouring out milk that’s gone bad - rash spending;
- cooking on it - the respect of others.
According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream portends rash spending.
- Vanga’s dream meaning for women:
- if you dream that cow's milk has got sour, this means sadness and tears;
- goat milk gone bad - deterioration of health.