Polar bears can run at a speed of 40 km/h.
A cockroach can live several weeks after its head was cut.
A male rhinoceros beetle can lift weight, exceeding his own 850 times.
In 2008, Zimbabwe had to remove 10 zeros from banknotes of its currency. And in October of that year, inflation in the country broke a record and reached 231,000,000%.
It’s not a secret that there is a lot of potassium in bananas. But they also contain the natural potassium-40 isotope. This means that bananas are radioactive. But if you eat 1 banana per day, this means that in a year you can get irradiation of 3.6 millibars, which does not exceed the permissible norm - 5 millibars per year. So one should not give them up.
If the acid from the human stomach got on your skin, it would burn a hole in it.
During Beijing’s seven-year preparations for the Olympic Games in 2008, unemployment in the city dropped to zero, and average income rose for 89.9%.
Ants nod to each other when they meet. And in order to effectively find food in an unfamiliar place, they are guided by the laws of probability distribution of Gauss and Pareto.
You can make the cow climb up the stairs, but it is impossible to force it go down.
The world trade makes huge money practically "out of thin air" - thanks to unused gift certificates.
The Brazilian stadium, Estadio Milton Correa, is also known as Zerão (from Portuguese, Big Zero). This name appeared due to the fact that almost in the middle of the playing field passes the equator - zero parallel. Therefore, football teams can play against each other, being in different hemispheres of the Earth.
Within a mile (1609 m), the carrier pigeon is faster than a fax.
With an average body size of 3 mm, a flea can jump up to 32 cm away. With such jumping ability, a person could jump over 2 football fields.
In the manufacture of foam for fire extinguishers, cow hooves are used.
Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. Besides that, they are perfectly masking by the color of the surface on which they dwell. And their females have the longest gestational age compared to other types of living organisms on Earth - 53 months (about 4.5 years).
Burning lava can move at the speed of a running hound.
The mantis has only one ear which is located between the legs.
The Vatican is the only place on Earth where ATMs offer a menu with instructions in Latin.
In the mild climate of Europe, Asia and tropical regions of Africa, a poisonous plant saffron omezhnik (Oenanthe crocata) which causes his victim a "sardonic smile" on his face at the time of death, can be found.
If a lion takes control over a lion's pride, he kills all the offspring of the previous head of the pack.