What to Expect After The Beginning of The Age of Aquarius?

On November 19, planet of transformation Pluto moves into Aquarius for good, where it will remain until 2043. We are entering a 20-year cycle that will bring dramatic changes.
After a year and a half of moving back and forth between Capricorn and Aquarius, Pluto will make its final entry into Aquarius on November 19. It will remain in Aquarius for 20 years, marking a new era.
The sign of Aquarius is associated with rapid and revolutionary changes. The last time Pluto was in the sign of Aquarius was from 1777 to 1797.
In fact, the period of the breakdown of the monarchical system began. It was a time of great social and political upheaval, when revolutionaries around the world sought to overthrow monarchical regimes and establish new forms of government.
In 1789, the Great French Revolution took place, which led to the overthrow of the monarchy and the establishment of a republic.
In 1776, the United States declared independence from Great Britain.

This period was marked by large-scale industrialization, which led to a powerful leap in technological progress.
In 1784, the Englishman James Watt invented the first universal engine - a steam engine that could drive various working mechanisms.
This time was also marked by conflicts and unrest, when people tried to defend their rights and freedoms.
So by analogy, we can conclude that in our time, progress will go by leaps and bounds.
Pluto represents long and careful processes of irreversible transformation. This is rarely a comfortable process, since Pluto will force us to face loss and powerlessness. Many could curse Pluto for imposing suffering, but this would be a misinterpretation. Pluto also connects us with the zenith of our powers: birth and creation. These lessons are not cheap.
Among Pluto’s other duties is to expose decay, corruption, stagnation, and infection. It exposes the underbelly of everything it touches and shines a light on the dark corners of our individual and collective psyches. In this way, Pluto can be quite healing as it clears out what is toxic and makes way for new and healthy growth.

The last three years of Pluto’s journey through Capricorn have brought many significant world events.
The old cycle is ending and a new one is beginning. Over the next few years, we will begin to see glimpses of new opportunities opening up.
In Aquarius, Pluto will begin to poke around in the dark side of information technology, science, social media, and progressivism. It will ask about the shortcomings of endless progress and conformity to social ideals versus individual, imperfect, human needs.
All the planets represent different facets of our personality. Mercury the Messenger rules our communication. Venus the Lover gives us clues about our attitude towards relationships. Serious Saturn often indicates where we will encounter necessary challenges in order to grow.
Then there’s Pluto, reclassified as a “dwarf planet” in 2006, but its influence governs themes that are anything but petty. Death. Rebirth. Cleansing, resetting, and regeneration. Crisis, the occult, and taboo. It’s the “Lazarus planet” of resurrection.
Essentially, Pluto is the planet that connects us to our shadow side. We can either face our fears and learn to accept the “death” of one version of ourselves so that we can evolve, or we can embrace the darkness and continue to learn the lessons needed to transform.
It’s important to remember that Pluto is what’s known as a “generational planet.” Unlike “personal planets” like Mercury and Venus, which move quickly and pass through all twelve zodiac signs in about a year (and therefore have a strong influence on our individual personality traits, day-to-day interactions, emotions, and personal relationships), Pluto is the slowest moving planet due to its orbit.
In fact, it takes Pluto about 248 years to move through all twelve signs of the zodiac. Its position affects entire generations more than individuals, shaping overarching societal themes related to transformation, power, and collective psychology over decades.
On November 19, Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will remain until 2043. Aquarius is an air sign associated with innovation, equality, and revolution. It is a sign that encourages us to consider collective ideals, utopia versus dystopia, and humanitarian improvement.
This sets us on the path to nearly two decades in which we can expect massive changes in technology, social structures, and how we define our understanding of power and control.
We are entering a nineteenth year in which each of us will have to consider: How do I perceive change in my community? How do I embrace my role as an advocate for equality?
This will not necessarily feel “sudden,” as Pluto transits are very slow. It is a gradual movement, like the constant shifting of tectonic plates beneath the Earth’s surface. While it may feel subtle from day to day, over time the cumulative impact becomes undeniable, changing our collective landscape in ways we may not fully comprehend until we look back.
Rebellion and revolution will reach new heights, destroying outdated systems to rebuild them stronger and more just.
This is an interesting change of times, I heard that with generation beta coming in it's for sure a new era. I'm loving articles that cover topics on the planetary and change. I wonder if 2025 will be a good year for aquarius and pisces.