What do turtles symbolize?
- What is the meaning of a turtle symbol?
- Appearance and color of the turtle symbol
- Where to place the turtle symbol in the house?
- Features of the location of the turtle symbol
- How to activate the symbol of turtle?
- Live turtle in the house according to Feng Shui

Why are turtle figurines so popular? The answer is clear - this animal has the most powerful energy with a plus sign! And all you need to attract prosperity is to correctly place the talisman at your home.
What is the meaning of a turtle symbol?
First of all, the turtle talisman symbolizes the foundation. Remember, people once believed that the earth was flat and stood on three elephants, which, in turn, rested on a huge turtle.
At the same time, it is the personification of not only reliable support and stability, but also protection: a strong shell protects from danger and gives a feeling of shelter, a roof over your head.
But this is far from the only meaning of the turtle symbol.
Wisdom. A turtle is an animal that moves forward purposefully. It takes its time, but at the same time does not let its goal out of sight. An animal, with its inherent wisdom, knows that everything goes on as usual and that one should not interfere with the plans of the Universe, since nothing can be changed anyway. Going with the flow of life, carefully weighing every decision, not making unnecessary movements - these are the main indicators of flexibility and wisdom.
Perseverance. The turtle knows that it cannot achieve its goal quickly, but despite everything it persistently moves towards it. It courageously overcomes the obstacles and difficulties that come along the way and continues on its way. Organization and hard work always give the desired results.
Longevity. Turtles lead a measured lifestyle, which is considered the main reason for their longevity. It is noteworthy that, having appeared on the planet quite a long time ago, their species has undergone minimal changes. As a result, the opinion was formed that the correct daily routine and regime are closely related to good health. At the same time, the animal’s shell is a symbol of strong immunity.
Financial stability, well-being. If we talk about the turtle, it increases wealth only if a person leads a pious life and works hard. Don’t expect money “falling from heaven” from this animal.
However, among the Slavs, the turtle was associated with evil, disease and troubles. They put it on a par with other cold-blooded animals that cause disgust (lizards, snakes, toads and others) and did not expect any benefits from it.

Appearance and color of the turtle symbol
The meaning of a symbol largely depends on its appearance and the material from which it is made.
If the turtle figurine is made up of three animals, it means unity, a strong union, and a connection between generations. Thanks to such a figurine, harmony is achieved in the family, and the atmosphere of happiness reigns in the house.
This symbol will be appropriate if at least three generations of the same family live in the house.
A metal turtle amulet helps achieve work goals and increase income. And here its size and weight play a huge role: the more powerful the turtle, the more pronounced its qualities are.
An onyx turtle figurine helps learn new skills, remember information and generally contributes to the acquisition of knowledge. It will improve memory and concentration for its owner.
The moonstone turtle is a symbol of the feminine. For this reason, it is customary to give such an amulet to women. It increases the tenderness of its owner, makes her softer, more flexible, in a word, adds femininity.
If the figurine is made of ceramics, it is suitable for those who want to advance their career. It gives its owner wisdom, flexibility of thinking, and helps make the right decisions.
A glass turtle figurine that reflects the world around us is considered the most suitable amulet for people whose work involves communication. Such a turtle should be placed in your office, with its head directed towards visitors, and it will definitely reflect the flow of negative energy.
The malachite tortoise symbolizes strength and endurance. This amulet is suitable for athletes, as well as people whose activities involve the risk of injury. It will protect the owner and add physical strength to him.
The black turtle is a symbol of long life and good health. And if a person is often or for a long time ill, or his overall health is poor, such a figurine will be the best gift for him.
Important! The black turtle should be the only symbol of its species, and it must be placed separately from the others!
A turtle in an unusual design, for example, with the head or paws of a dragon, becomes the personification of universal recognition, deep respect from others and a high position in society. It also gives the owner good health, increases life expectancy and protects against evil spirits. And in order to receive such a gift from a turtle, it is necessary that its head always look in the western direction.
A neat turtle placed on the ring will protect the owner from outside aggression. Just put on the jewelry in such a way that the animal’s head is directed towards you. With this arrangement, the amulet will protect a person from psychological attacks and help build harmonious relationships with others.
The Chinese advise communicating with your symbol from time to time. Inform your defender about current problems, share your experiences. The turtle will definitely help in solving problems, with it you will be able to make the right decision much faster.
Where to place the turtle symbol in the house?
Its action will depend on the location of the symbol.
For a successful career. Feng Shui experts are sure that the north side of the house is most suitable for a turtle. It is advisable that this is your office, and that the figurine is black and is behind your back when you are busy with business. Thus, it will “cover the rear.”
For family well-being. Here you should select the eastern part of the room. And remember that a figurine of three animals is best suited to unite a family.
For financial prosperity. The southeast side will be suitable, since this is where the wealth zone is located. It is good if your symbol is painted golden or made of wood.
To gain the support and patronage of influential people, place the turtle in the northwestern part of your home and enlist the support of the powers that be. By the way, here you are allowed to place from one to six turtles at a time.

Features of the location of the turtle symbol
And even here there are some nuances.
A turtle is placed on the windowsill if there is a bad view outside the window or if there is a source of negative energy (garbage cans, medical institutions, buildings that house troublemakers, etc.). In this case, the animal must look out the window - at an unfavorable object.
If the figurine is made of stone, it is usually placed on the balcony.
It is known that the turtle is a northern sign and prefers the cold season. For this reason, if you have a jewelry amulet, it is advisable to wear it continuously during these months.
A turtle would also be appropriate in a children's room. Here they usually hang a themed night light, lay out pillows in the shape of animals and soft toys.
According to the teachings of Feng Shui, when choosing a place for a turtle, you should definitely listen to your intuition. And even if you have identified it in a zone that does not correspond to any of the recommendations, but you are completely satisfied, you do not need to move the symbol.
When placing a turtle (a flowerbed or fountain in the shape of this animal) outside the walls of your house, choose an area closer to a pond or next to the terrace. It should be located on the north side of the home.
How to activate the symbol of turtle?
The turtle talisman is characterized by enormous power and does not require additional activation. The only thing is, if you find yourself in a difficult situation and you need help, just dip the amulet in water.
- There are other ways that help enhance the effect of the symbol:
- It is advisable to place the figurine next to an aquarium or any other container with water. You can also place a potted indoor plant nearby, but not a cactus or artificial or dried flowers.
- If you mount an image or figurine of an animal on a vertical surface (on a wall, cabinet door, etc.), make sure that its head is pointing upward.
- The abilities of the symbol will increase significantly if you place it somewhere high.
Live turtle in the house according to Feng Shui
Figurines, amulets, talismans - all these things give their owner qualities that help achieve the set goals. At the same time, a living turtle is considered the strongest protector and, when it appears in the house, changes life for the better.
Get a turtle only if you are completely confident in your abilities. The animal should receive proper care and not feel the need for anything!
Ancient legends say that it was the turtle who gave the world the teaching called Feng Shui. Accordingly, experts in this field endow the animal with special wisdom and believe that it can bring prosperity and happiness to the house.