What kinds of phobias are known to people?
Sergii Garanenko
Reading time: 10-14 min.

We are all afraid of something: exams, dentist, public speaking. However, at some point, fears become obsessive. What phobias do you know? The fear of confined spaces (claustrophobia) probably immediately comes to your mind. In fact, there are a lot of them. Psychologists divide the existing phobias to natural, social and existential. The majority of us do not even guess what fears other people experience.
- Fear of everything - panophobia
- Fear of many things - polyphobia
- Fear of everything new - neophobia
General phobias:
- Fear of air - anemophobia
- Fear of clouds - nephophobia
- Fear of cold, ice and frost - cryophobia
- Fear of night - nyctophobia
- Fear of darkness - scotophobia
- Fear of the day - eosophobia
- Fear of sunlight - phengophobia
- Fear of light - photophobia
- Fear of flashes of light - selaphobia
- Fear of thunder and lightning - brontophobia
- Fear of electricity - electrophobia
- Fear of bright light - photoaugliaphobia
- Fear of loud noise - ligyrophobia
- Fear of cosmic phenomena - cosmophobia
- Fear of meteors - meteorophobia
- Fear of comets - cometophobia
- Fear of the moon - selenophobia
- Fear of Northern Lights - auroraphobia
- Fear of stars - astrophobia
- Fear of the sun - heliophobia
- Fear of droughts - xerophobia
- Fear of floods - antlophobia
- Fear of fog - homichlophobia
- Fear of hurricanes - lilapsophobia
- Fear of lakes - limnophobia
- Fear of rivers or running water - potamophobia
- Fear of seas and oceans - thalassophobia
- Fear of cliffs - cremnophobia
- Fear of rain - ombrophobia
- Fear of shadows - sciopophobia
- Fear of snow - chionophobia
- Fear of water - hydrophobia
- Fear of wind - ancraophobia
- Fear of heights - acrophobia
- Fear of forests - hylophobia
- Fear of plants - botanophobia
- Fear of trees - dendrophobia
- Fear of mushrooms - mycophobia
- Fear of flowers - anthrophobia
- Fear of smells - olfactophobia
Natural phenomena phobias:

- Fear of others staring at you - scoptophobia
- Fear of touch - aphenphosmophobia
- Fear of sexual harassment - contreltophobia
- Fear of raping - virginitiphobia
- Fear of an accident - dystychiphobia
- Fear of atomic explosion - atomosophobia
- Fear of radiation - radiophobia
- Fear of physical or mental punishment - rhabdophobia
- Fear of spanking - mastigophobia
- Fear of critics - enissophobia
- Fear of getting tied up - merinthophobia
- Fear of being strangled - pnigophobia
- Fear of choking - anginophobia
- Fear of crowd - ochlophobia
- Fear of lunch and lunch talk - deipnophobia
- Fear of getting dirty - rhypopnobia
- Fear of being hypnotized - hypnophobia
- Fear of litigation - liticaphobia
- Fear of marriage - gamophobia
- Fear of surgery - tomophobia
- Fear of religious ceremonies - teleophobia
- Fear of being alone - isolophobia
- Fear of hearing the good news - eupohobia
- Fear of being unnoticed - athazagoraphobia
- Fear of being ridiculed - katagelophobia
Situations phobias:

- Fear of alcohol - methylophobia
- Fear of wine - oenophobia
- Fear of noxious vapors - aerophobia
- Fear of dust - amathophobia
- Fear of feces - coprophobia
- Fear of rotting matter - seplophobia
- Fear of food - cibophobia
- Fear of garlic - alliumphobia
- Fear of meat - carnophobia
- Fear of vegetables - lachanophobia
- Fear of gold - aurophobia
- Fear of metal - metallophobia
- Fear of poison - iophobia
Substances phobias:
- Fear of pain - alginophobia
- Fear of vertigo when looking down - illyngophobia
- Fear of nausea - dinophobia
- Fear of fainting or weakness - asthenophobia
- Fear of fatigue - kopophobia
- Fear of night ejaculation - oneirogmophobia
- Fear of menstruation - menophobia
- Fear of aging - gerontophobia
- Fear of dreams - oneirophobia
- Fear of loneliness - monophobia
- Fear of anger - angrophobia
- Fear of failure - kakorrhaphiophobia
- Fear of addiction to others - soteriophobia
- Fear of small failures - atychiphobia
- Fear of forgetting something or being forgotten - athazagoraphobia
- Fear of freedom - eleutherophobia
- Fear of fun - cherophobia
- Fear of imperfections - atelophobia
- Fear of jealousy - zeiophobia
- Fear of laughter - geliophobia
- Fear of love - erotophobia
- Fear of falling in love - philophobia
- Fear of memories - mnemophobia
- Fear of poverty - peniaphobia
- Fear of wealth - plutophobia
- Fear of gratitude and acknowledgments - doxophobia
- Fear of pleasure - hedonophobia
- Fear of responsibility – hypengiophobia
States phobias:

- Fear of diseases in general - pathophobia
- Fear of a certain disease - monopathophobia
- Fear of angina - anginophobia
- Fear of memory loss - amnesiphobia
- Fear of blindness - scotomaphobia
- Fear of brain diseases - meningitophobia
- Fear of cancer - cancerophobia
- Fear of heart attack - cardiophobia
- Fear of cholera - chorophobia
- Fear of constipation - coprastasophobia
- Fear of infections - molysmophobia
- Fear of diabetes - diabetophobia
- Fear of flu - febriphobia
- Fear of wounds - trypanophobia
- Fear of trauma - traumatophobia
- Fear of insanity - dementophobia
- Fear of itchy skin - acarophobia
- Fear of leprosy - leprophobia
- Fear of lice - phthiriophobia
- Fear of runny nose - epistaxiophobia
- Fear of phobias - phobiophobia
- Fear of poisoning - toxicophobia
- Fear of poliomyelitis - poliosophobia
- Fear of hemorrhoids - proctophobia
- Fear of shock - hormephobia
- Fear of sexual perversion - paraphobia
- Fear of skin diseases - dermatosiophobia
- Fear of syphilis - luiphobia
- Fear of tuberculosis - phthisiophobia
- Fear of vaccinations - vaccinophobia
- Fear of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) - cypridophobia
Diseases phobias:

- Fear of animals - zoophobia
- Fear of animal fur and skin - doraphobia
- Fear of wildlife - agrizoophobia
- Fear of ants - myrmecophobia
- Fear of bees - apiphobia
- Fear of birds - ornithophobia
- Fear of bulls - taurophobia
- Fear of horses - hippophobia
- Fear of cats - aclurophobia
- Fear of chicken - alektorophobia
- Fear of canine - cynophobia
- Fear of mice - musophobia
- Fear of rats - zemmiphobia
- Fear of otters - lutraphobia
- Fear of fish - ichthyophobia
- Fear of sharks - selachophobia
- Fear of clams - ostraconophobia
- Fear of frogs - batrachophobia
- Fear of toads - bufonophobia
- Fear of bacteria and microbes - verminophobia
- Fear of small insects - acarophobia
- Fear of moth - mottephobia
- Fear of parasites - parasitophobia
- Fear of reptiles - herpetophobia
- Fear of snakes - ophidiophobia
- Fear of spiders - arachnophobia
- Fear of worms – scoleciphobia
Animal world phobias:
- Fear of asymmetric things - asymmetriphobia
- Fear of small objects - microphobia
- Fear of large objects - megalophobia
- Fear of sacred items - hagiophobia
- Fear of motor vehicles - motorophobia
- Fear of bicycles - cyclophobia
- Fear of books - bibliophobia
- Fear of watches and timepiece - chronometrophobia
- Fear of computers - cyberphobia
- Fear of crosses and crucifixes - staurophobia
- Fear of crystal and glass - crystallophobia
- Fear of puppets and dolls - pediophobia
- Fear of new drugs - neopharmophobia
- Fear of tissue —textophobia
- Fear of bird feathers - pteronophobia
- Fear of flutes - aulophobia
- Fear of mechanisms - mechanophobia
- Fear of mirrors - catoptrophobia
- Fear of money - chrometophobia
- Fear of needles and prickly objects - aichmophobia
- Fear of bullets - ballistophobia
- Fear of firearms - hoplophobia
- Fear of nuclear weapons - nucleomituphobia
- Fear of paper - papyrophobia
- Fear of pins - enetophobia
- Fear of razors - xyrophobia
- Fear of telephones – telephonophobia
Items phobias:
- Fear of people in general - anthropophobia
- Fear of society - sociophobia
- Fear of bald people - peladophobia
- Fear of bearded people - pogonophobia
- Fear of beautiful women - caligynephobia
- Fear of freaks and ugly people - teratophobia
- Fear of self-reflection in the mirror - eisoptrophobia
- Fear of beggars and poor - hobophobia
- Fear of thieves - scelerophobia
- Fear of children - pedophobia
- Fear of innocent girls - parthenophobia
- Fear of Chinese - sinophobia
- Fear of clowns - coulrophobia
- Fear of dentists - dentophobia
- Fear of foreigners - xenophobia
- Fear of Englishmen - anglophobia
- Fear of French - francophobia
- Fear of Germans - teutophobia
- Fear of Greeks - hellophobia
- Fear of homosexuals - homophobia
- Fear of men - androphobia
- Fear of Japanese - japanophobia
- Fear of Jews - judeophobia
- Fear of mother-in-law - pentheraphobia
- Fear of old people - gerontophobia
- Fear of Pope - papaphobia
- Fear of politicians - politicophobia
- Fear of priests - hierophobia
- Fear of prostitutes - whorephobia
- Fear of bobbers - harpaxophobia
- Fear of Russians - russophobia
- Fear of relatives - syngenesophobia
- Fear of women - gynophobia
- Fear of adolescent - ephebiphobia
- Fear of people of the opposite sex - heterophobia
- Fear of wizards and witches – wiccaphobia
Phobias/Fear of people:
(Please be sure that we always strive for respect for all people, not depending on their race, age, skin color, religious beliefs, gender, sexual preferences, etc.! Following is just a list of existing phobias in people for general information.)- Fear of swimming - ablutophobia
- Fear of going to bed - clinophobia
- Fear of driving - amaxophobia
- Fear of giving birth/labor - maleusiophobia
- Fear of relocating - tropophobia
- Fear of dressing - vestiphobia
- Fear of working at the computer - cyberphobia
- Fear of cooking - mageirocophobia
- Fear of crossing the street - agyrophobia
- Fear of dancing - chorophobia
- Fear of making decisions - decidophobia
- Fear of not performing your duty - paralipophobia
- Fear of being treated - pharmacophobia
- Fear of visiting the doctor - latrophobia
- Fear of treating your teeth - odontophobia
- Fear of drinking - dipsophobia
- Fear of eating, swallowing - phagophobia
- Fear of flying - aviophobia
- Fear of conducting an operation/surgery (in surgeons) - ergasiophobia
- Fear of writing - graphophobia
- Fear of kissing - philemaphobia
- Fear of learning - sophophobia
- Fear of treating (in doctors) - opiophobia
- Fear of moving - kinetophobia
- Fear of expressing your opinion - doxophobia
- Fear of traveling by train - siderodromophobia
- Fear of traveling - hodophobia
- Fear of going to school - didaskaleinophobia
- Fear of talking - laliophobia
- Fear of talking on the phone - phonophobia
- Fear of speaking publicly - glossophobia
- Fear of sleeping - somniphobia
- Fear of sitting - kathisophobia
- Fear of thinking - phronemophobia
- Fear of working - ergophobia
- Fear of walking - ambulophobia
- Fear of washing - abultophobia
- Fear of having sex - coitophobia
- Fear of sinning- enosiophobia
- Fear of losing innocence - primeisodophobia
- Fear of stealing - kleptophobia
- Fear of getting naked in public - dishabillophobia
- Fear of peeing - urophobia
- Fear of waiting for a long time - macrophobia
- Fear of getting fat - obesophobia
- Fear of opening eyes - optophobia
- Fear of coming home – nostophobia
Action phobias:
- Fear of unattractiveness of your own body - dysmorphophobia
- Fear of blood - hemophobia
- Fear of body odors - osmophobia
- Fear of eyes - ommetaphobia
- Fear of everything on the left side of the body - levophobia
- Fear of everything on the right side of the body - dextrophobia
- Fear of erected penis - medorthophobia
- Fear of loss of erection - medomalacuphobia
- Fear of female genitalia - colpophobia
- Fear of hair - chaetophobia
- Fear of hands - chirophobia
- Fear of knees - genuphobia
- Fear of nudity - gymnophobia
- Fear of teeth - odontophobia
- Fear of wrinkles - rhytiphobia
- Fear of hair loss - phalacrophobia
Body and body parts phobias:
- Fear of death and dying - thanatophobia
- Fear of cemetery - coimetrophobia
- Fear of time - chronophobia
- Fear of corpses - necrophobia
- Fear of decay - seplophobia
- Fear of graves - placophobia
- Fear of being buried alive - taphephobia
Phobias associated with time and death:
- Fear of ideas - ideophobia
- Fear of ideas that differ from the generally accepted - heresyphobia
- Fear of knowledge - gnosiophobia
- Fear of paradise/heavens - uranophobia
- Fear of hell - hadephobia
- Fear of heredity - patroiophobia
- Fear of infinity - apeirophobia
- Fear of justice - dikephobia
- Fear of materialism - hylephobia
- Fear of souls - psychophobia
- Fear of myths and fairy tales - mythophobia
- Fear of music - melophobia
- Fear of names - nomatophobia
- Fear of novelties - cainophobia
- Fear of opinion - allodoxaphobia
- Fear of philosophy - philosophobia
- Fear of poetry - metrophobia
- Fear of progress - prosophobia
- Fear of religions - theophobia
- Fear of complex scientific terminology - hellenologophobia
- Fear of symbols - symbolophobia
- Fear of symmetries - symmetrophobia
- Fear of words - logophobia
- Fear of long words - hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia
- Fear of technology - technophobia
- Fear of satan - satanophobia
- Fear of theology - theologicophobia
- Fear of demons - demonophobia
- Fear of ghosts - phasmophobia
Abstract concepts phobias:
- Fear of colors in general - chromophobia
- Fear of black color - melanophobia
- Fear of purple color - porphyrophobia
- Fear of yellow color - xanthophobia
- Fear of red color - erythrophobia
- Fear of white color - leukophobia
Colors phobias:
- Fear of numbers in general - numerophobia
- Fear of number 8 - octophobia
- Fear of number 13 - triskadekaphobia
Numbers phobias:
- Fear of certain places - topophobia
- Fear of your own home - ecophobia
- Fear of area near your home - eicophobia
- Fear of hospitals - nosocomephobia
- Fear of houses in general - domatophobia
- Fear of empty rooms - cenophobia
- Fear of rooms in general - koinoniphobia
- Fear of ruins - atephobia
- Fear of schools - scolionophobia
- Fear of streets - agyrophobia
- Fear of empty space - spacephobia
- Fear of confined space - claustrophobia
- Fear of open, crowded places - agoraphobia
- Fear of theaters - theatrophobia
- Fear of forests, dark thickets - nyctohylophobia
- Fear of dark places - lygrophobia
- Fear of narrow corridors - stenophobia
- Fear of churches - ecclesiophobia
- Fear of bridges - gephyrophobia
- Fear of tall buildings - batophobia
Places phobias: