Angry Birds Dream Meaning

Angry Birds have become a staple in mobile gaming and puzzles, making worldwide audiences engaged and creating a popular culture impact back in its time. While a recognizable entertainment brand, it has evolved outside the classic game app, to inspire merchandise and even feature films.
Angry birds in dreams can also leave some impacts on dream significance and the hidden meaning behind dreams involving puzzle games. The birds' color and appearence can be important to remember for detailed dream interpretation and any potential events associated with the dream.
An angry bird is associated with bottled emotions and overcoming tough obstacles, as well as holding grudges and letting go of feelings. The birds' anger symbolizes their desire to reclaim eggs that were taken from them. Such dreams can symbolize a person's revenge on ill-wishers for what they did.
Did you dream of seeing the angry birds on screen of your moblie or computer device? In reality, you are focused on issues that concern you and what things you want to change about yourself.
A dream involving angry birds indicates: the dreamer refuses to accept the troubles and the actions of others. Your desires are also lead by emotions, which can release and burst if there is enough inspiration to spark these feelings.
Did you dream of Red, the leader of the angry flock? Such a dream means you are yearning for some change or passionate dream. Perhaps the sleeper views the everyday things as sophisticated.
Dreaming of Chuck the yellow bird means you have taken offense from some dishonorable person. The warning that this dream is giving is there may be a time where you will experience the attitude of someone else. Seeing this bird in a quick pace may signal an ill-wisher's plans are moving forward.

Was the dream about the Bomb bird from the puzzle game? You will hear unexpectedly from someone you know in the waking life. Did this bird blow up in the night plot? Do not let disputes happen, there can be unforeseeable consequences from such an argument. This can also mean changes in the dreamer's personal life, perhaps sudden ones.
Did you happen to see Red, Chuck and Bomb as they appear in the movie, standing side by side together as close friends? You have surroundings who will support you even in not your best moments in life. They are always there for you, no matter the circumstances.
Were there the blue birds, Jay, Jake or Jim in a dream? You can explore the outside places and experience good times. Living life to the fullest is ideal, most importantly.
Seeing the white bird (Matilda) in a dream means that you are very mutual to others and have open feelings to them. However, you are not very satisfied with the behaviors of some people.
Did the big red bird named Terrance appear in a dream? Perhaps you are feeling sluggish about some duties or have a short-term illness. Such a dream also means that you will face easy obstacles in reaching your goal: everything is pretty much surmountable.
Dreams of Hal, the green boomerang bird, indicate that the dreamer's actions are most likely set in stone. You may or may not want to think about reconsidering any decisions you have made. Besides this, you know what you want in life.
To dream of the orange bird known as Bubbles can foretell that you will have a feast of some sort. Such a dream can also signify the coming income, as the bird can be quite abundant in size if it inflates.
Was Stella, the pink bird, seen in a dream? There will be a peaceful period between friends and close people. Perhaps you are also having a romantic affair with someone else, but beware that the result of this affair won't be expected.
Dreaming of Silver (silver bird) means you are making smooth, but not much effort in getting through challenges. You may not be improvising your actions and were previously solving some issues without any new ideas.
Why does one dream of the Mighty Eagle, the strong and wise protector who is called upon to help the birds? Your problems will be solved by another person who you previously didn't count on. Another interpretation is that you worked very hard on some difficult task, and now you need a break.
Have you managed to dream of the Mighty Eagle's vengeful ex-fiance or wife, Zeta? The purple eagle indicates that the dreamer's ambitions could cause some troubles and create some complications in the daily life. Perhaps you are better off sticking to the usual routine of life and not making any fatal changes.
Dreaming of the green pigs can signal a upcoming conflict with colleagues or beloved ones, so it is advisable to be cautious of your words and behavior. Most pigs are a symbol of wealth and success, so seeing the green pigs can promise a good income.
If the pigs or their building foundations were being attacked by angry birds, fighting over eggs, this plot can portend difficulties in business. Stagnation is also possible due to the circumstances.
To see the king pig is a sign that you feel contempt for someone who was not showing their best behavior. Perhaps you are not a fan of this person, but it is always possible to give them a chance at the very least. The king pig can also warn that you can pay for unwise behavior.
A slingshot seen in a dream means your life has been complicated lately, and you wish to rewind back to more carefree times. It can also symbolize someone else's sudden appearance, who can disrupt your privacy even when you don't expect it.
Dreams of the angry bird games can also symbolize a path of obstacles and ill-wishers on the way to the goal. Such dreams can also literally mean that you are expressing anger towards someone who has created problems for you.
Angry Birds could symbolize the need not to take any risks in the waking life. A dream like this can also show strong passions and the desire to get your life back in order.