Broken Thermometer Dream Meaning

A thermometer is a rather familiar item in everyday life. There is no such person who at least once in his life has not measured his temperature. What a broken thermometer seen in a dream portends?
If you dreamed of a broken medical thermometer, this means you should protect your health. Urgently carry out preventive maintenance, otherwise bed rest for a couple of weeks is provided to you.
Did you have a dream that you wanted to know how many degrees there are in the water and dropped the thermometer? Such dream means there will be some unpleasant incident in the team soon. Remember the expression “storm in a teacup”, about the same thing will happen to you. The scandal can begin out of the blue and result in big trouble. You should control your emotions.
Did you have a dream in which, looking at a street thermometer, you see a red column rising slowly, reaching the upper level and the device shatters into fragments? Your mood leaves much to be desired now, you are nervous and worried, and more so for nothing. You should calm down, your life flows in its own way, and nothing will disturb it. You are thinking too much about problems, the Modern combined dream book considers.
If you dream that you measured your body temperature by holding a thermometer in your mouth and accidentally crushed it, this plot means your teeth will probably start to bother you. Do not wait for this, go to the dentist for a routine examination.

Did you see mercury flowing out of a broken thermometer? Miller's Dream Book portends the loss of something not too valuable, but dear to you. Be careful.
If in a dream you dropped a thermometer and it split into pieces, waking up, remember that the mercury scale showed. If mercury has risen up, such a dream is a harbinger of monetary replenishment, perhaps it will be a bonus and a gain. If the scale began to sink down - your plans are not destined to come true in the near future. Be patient, everything will turn out for the better soon.
Did you dream that you measure your temperature by holding a broken thermometer in your mouth and you see how the mercury column rises and falls? Such a dream is interpreted as a reflection of changes in feelings and emotions. Take them under control; otherwise you can take unnecessary steps.
Did you have a weird dream about thermometer? If you dreamed that you had a thermometer in your mouth, standing on your head, then wait for some unexpected news. If it fell out and shattered into pieces - the news will not be very good.

To see how you collect the fragments of a broken thermometer and glue them - wait for a call or news from a person you are in a quarrel with.
To see in a dream that you are walking naked through the streets with a cracked thermometer under your armpit - soon you can commit an act not peculiar to you, the Wanderer’s dreambook warns. Think a hundred times before deciding to do something.
If you dream that you collect droplets of silver metal flowing from a broken thermometer and put them in your pockets, you will soon have to do some painstaking work that will bring you neither money nor satisfaction.