
Jewelry Store Dream Meaning

What does it mean when you dream about a jewelry store? It symbolizes the need to make a difficult life choice. Besides that a dream of a jewelry store predicts a romantic acquaintance or coming wedding.

    What are the Top-5 negative dreams about jewelry stores?
  • 1. An empty jewelry store in dreams predicts quarrels with others.
  • 2. Abandoned jewelry store – is a sign of depression.
  • 3. Dream of a small jewelry store – is a sign of unrequited love.
  • 4. Choosing something in a jewelry store is a sign of deception by a close friend.
  • 5. If you dream of robbing a jewelry store – this plot predicts the loss of valuable things.
    Here are the Top-5 positive jewelry store dreams:
  • 1. An antique jewelry store speaks of respect and recognition in society.
  • 2. Dreaming of a modern jewelry store - means the emergence of an additional source of income.
  • 3. A big jewelry store in a dream – predicts signing a profitable deal.
  • 4. Working in a jewelry store – means profits increase.
  • 5. Living in a jewelry store – means improving your living conditions.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream portends popularity with the opposite sex.

    Additional interpretations by Miller:
  • a dream of opening a jewelry store speaks of family well-being;
  • robbing it – predicts a quarrel with neighbors;
  • trying on jewelry in a store – speaks of sexual relationship with a colleague.

According to Freud, such a dream warns of problems in one’s personal life.

    Additional interpretation by Freud for men:
  • to dream that you buy jewelry in a jewelry store - promises an important conversation with a girl;
  • dreaming about working in a jewelry store - predicts promotion.

According to Vanga's dream book, a dream of a jewelry store promises good luck in business.

Vanga’s dream meaning for women: dreaming about a jewelry store with jewelry symbolizes mutual feelings.

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Sergii Garanenko

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  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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