Nail Biting Dream Meaning

What does it mean when you dream about biting one’s nails? A dream about biting nails symbolizes unfair earning or the risk of ruining your reputation. Besides that, gnawing your nails in a dream is a sign of resentment against a colleague or friend.
Biting your fingernails in a dream may also mean disappointment in your partner.
If a woman dreams of biting her nails, this may mean the return of an old debt; a man’s dream of nail biting – may represent financial difficulties.
- What are the Top-5 negative dreams about biting your nails?
- Biting dirty nails is a dream warning of illness.
- Biting broken nails - means cruelty towards a loved one.
- Biting painted nails - problems due to the actions of ill-wishers.
- Seeing yourself biting your nails out of fear predicts troubles during a business trip.
- Biting nails because of anger - an accident in the family.
- Here are the Top-5 positive nail biting dream meanings:
- Gnawing long nails in dreams is a sign of career growth.
- Biting fake fingernails - means getting rid of a bad habit.
- Biting your nails at home in a dream - the visit of long-awaited guests.
- Nail biting at work - receiving a bonus.
- Someone biting his nails on the street - improving one’s well-being.

According to Miller, gnawing nails in a dream is a harbinger of public insult.
- Additional dream meanings by Miller:
- biting short nails in dreams promises pleasant pastime;
- biting already gnawed nails - sense of shame for committed misconduct;
- biting yellow nails - trying to correct mistakes;
- gnawing black nails in a dream - a serious conversation.
According to Freud's dream book, such a dream promises replenishment in the family.
- Additional interpretations by Freud:
- biting clean nails is a dream speaking of unfounded criticism;
- biting hard nails - getting acquainted with an influential person;
- ingrown nails biting - losing in a dispute.
According to Vanga's dream book, biting a nail on one finger - means negative changes in life; on two fingers - promises the resolution of the old conflict; nail gnawing on several fingers - means performing low-paid work.