
Why Do You Feel Fear in Dreams? Symbolism Explained

Being scared in a dream usually means vain hopes or the risk of finding yourself in an awkward situation. Besides that, dreaming of getting scared may also predict an unfortunate turn of affairs.

Most often the dreambooks interpret fear in the night plot negatively. The Esoteric dream book offers a somewhat unusual explanation of what such a vision means. If you have great fear in a dream, it is a sign that an invisible energy vampire has attached to you in reality.

If you saw other people feeling fear in a dream, it means that someone from your friends is threatened. The range of probable hazards is quite wide. A dream can affect health deterioration, bankruptcy, and possible problems in the family or personal life.

When you dream of height, the fear of falling is easy to explain. The plot means that you are not quite comfortable at the current peak. A Modern dreambook does not specify what is at stake: a new position, a fresh decision, or the development of personal qualities - all achievements are important. Dream says that your position is still unstable and it is desirable to strengthen your position in order not to lose what you have already acquired.

Some interpreters consider fright in a dream a warning from your guardian angel. If you have a bad feeling, it may be your intuition trying to tell you something. Listen to it and act accordingly.

Sometimes such dreams mean you will be able to avoid meeting with what has frightened you in real life. If the dream made you scream with fear, do not hesitate to contact your friends for help. The Modern dreambook recommends keeping your throat from colds.

Miller claims to feel the fear is a sign of the upcoming losses and unfulfilled hopes. If in the nightly dreams, some of the previously planned actions cause fear for some reason, the dream book advises you to abandon the intention to perform it.

The fear of height at night can be a signal of the onset of cardiovascular disease. Special attention should be paid to this plot if it tends to repeat itself, while the image remains almost unchanged.

If you often experience fear, and horror in a dream, in this way, the dream calls for more care for yourself; listen more attentively to your needs and desires.

The dreambook of the Wanderer believes that you can be scared in a dream in case that soon you have to commit such a bold act that it will surprise not only those around you, but also yourself. Try to mentally prepare for this event.

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Being very scared of something - indicates fatigue from the monotony in life. Dreadful fear in a dream may be a warning of a nervous breakdown.

According to Freud, a dream in which you feel fear promises an open conflict with an ill-wisher.

According to Vanga's dreambook, insurmountable fright in dreams speaks of serious competition; religious fear - warns of deterioration in reputation.

Fear of difficulties in dreams means stagnation in business; if you are scared of responsibility, this means you may commit a rash act; fear of the future - predicts changes in personal life.

The Chinese interpreters provide the following interesting explanations. If climbing a mountain brings fear to your dream, it indicates career advancement. Fear of shackles or stocks predicts separation.

Experiencing fear in a dream can indicate future troubles, failures, worries about illnesses, and hardships faced by loved ones. However, fear may occasionally signal the possibility of letting go of something.

Fearing the continuation of a business or a trip may suggest someone's refusal to help you.

Additionally, the fear of death often reflects deep-seated doubts about something or may indicate a genuine heart condition.

Experiencing intense dread in a dream foretells a delightful surprise, the Alphabetical dreambook states.

If your fear is caused by unease not for yourself, but for those close to you, this means you will experience anxious anticipation.

If in a dream you are fleeing in terror from wild animals or furious dogs pursuing you, you will be seriously insulted with complete impunity.

If you overcame your fear and boldly entered into a confrontation with an adversary stronger than you, in reality you will be irritated by some event from which you expected more for yourself.

A dream in which you instill fear in everyone around you with your unattractive appearance means that in real life your friends will decline to assist you in challenging circumstances.

    What are the Top-5 negative dreams about being scared of something?
  • Being scared of the dark in dreams warns of intrigues from ill-wishers.
  • Being afraid of death - means health deterioration.
  • Trembling with fear - temporary difficulties in business.
  • Lose consciousness because you got scared - an event with negative consequences.
  • Seeing someone turn gray with fear is a sign of emotional burnout.
    Here are the Top-5 positive fear dream meanings:
  • Fear of heights in dreams may speak of obtaining a leadership position.
  • Being scared of the unknown - a pleasant surprise.
  • Getting frozen with fear - achieving the goal.
  • Shouting from fear - the fulfillment of desire.
  • If you dreamed that someone overcame his fear, this means welfare and prosperity.
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Sergii Garanenko

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  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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