Shell Dream Meaning

Interpreting why one dreams about shell or its absence, dream books consider all kinds of situations that often occur in a dream. The symbol of exoskeleton serves as a powerful protection against undesirable external factors, making it difficult to move forward. In the interpretations you can find the answer to how to achieve a reasonable compromise between progress and security.
If you dreamed of the natural carriers of the shell - turtles or slugs, Miller's dream book promises extraordinary luck, which will positively affect almost all areas of your life.
When these creatures are seen deprived of armor in a dream, this image indicates an unfavorable situation around the sleeping person. Their unnaturally large sizes in a dream indicate a company that is not averse to profit from material and energy resources.
Seeing the armored animals at your front door happens on the eve of the return of the former lover. Physical contact means that laziness interferes with health and self-improvement.

It’s interesting to know what the shell in other interpretations means. The Ukrainian dreambook believes that the dreamer should be taking care of his personal safety: the enemy is strong and endowed with authority.
If you are lucky enough to see yourself dressed in the armor of a turtle, this means the fulfillment of ambitious desires is not far off; for those in need, Veles's dream book promises timely support. When one dreamed of a golden turtle shell, in reality you will be able to reach unprecedented heights.
The dreaming turtle “bulletproof vest” is considered a warning against excessive carelessness: all gifts of fate can be lost overnight. If you are lucky enough to find a turtle shell in an unexpected place, your position in real life is much more stable than it might seem at first glance.
In the Family Dreambook, someone’s sturdy, solid carapace embodies the envy for those who have already achieved something and are firmly on their feet.
A dilapidated and badly-maintained shell serves as a reminder that you should better take care of the safety of your family and business. The Slavonic dream book claims that the neglected look of the shell in a dream portends a long period of calm; even some of the everyday chores can be transferred to others.
A shell of extraordinary beauty in a dream often turns out to be a harbinger of a fateful meeting.

- The dreambooks will explain what the tortoise without shell or the snail without shell portends.
- A defenceless image symbolizes a precarious situation in reality;
- To a girl, a tortoise without a shell promises an unpleasant and persistent admirer;
- To see naked armoured animals without shell in a dream is a sign of being insufficiently active in sex;
- If you dreamed of a turtle without shell, do not count on someone else's help in vain;
- A snail without shell in a dream represents a slug man, miserable and unreliable.
- If you dreamed of someone's damaged armor, it looks like you recently escaped a lot of trouble.
Sigmund Freud ranks an empty shell from which the turtle crawled out as alarming signals. What you was in a dream often indicates the onset of a disease or sexual dysfunction.
Explaining such dream story, the Wanderer’s dreambook believes that the sleeper is wasting a lot of time. It is for this reason that others consider him a dummy, a person of little interest and not worthy of special trust.
Discarded turtle armor portends joy and well-deserved rest after a big victory.

The English dream book offers a very interesting interpretation of a dream about a tightly locked shell. The image speaks of an overabundance of conservatism and the habit of criticizing everyone and everything around, but never yourself.
Sometimes massive armor testifies to an urgent need to find reliable refuge for yourself or for your property. The outside world seems a rather dangerous place to the dreamer.
A closed shell in a dream can also symbolize excessive isolation, lack of communication, fear of disrupting the usual way of living. Such character traits impede achievements in reality.
The Esoteric fortune teller claims that everything is in perfect order with your health and mental balance. The shell seen in a dream represents a storehouse of new ideas and intimate memories.