
Itchy eyebrows omens and superstitions

Since ancient times, people have attached great importance to the signals of our body. Over time, as a result of long-term observations, the ancestors noticed the connection between subsequent events and these signals.

Let's consider why the right or left eyebrow itches, as well as the upcoming changes in life associated with this sign. Usually such a sign predicts something in your personal life and is not related to the weather or customs.

In order to understand why eyebrows itch, it is important to take into account the day of the week on which the itching occurred. The sensation that this part of the body itches, from the point of view of folk superstitions, is associated with a person’s energy, personal life and well-being.

Itchy right eyebrow meaning

If suddenly and for no apparent reason you feel itching on the right side, this means changes in life are already close. To determine why your right eyebrow is itching, let’s return to folk signs, which are usually associated with positive and strong emotions and portend meetings with good people.

This itchy part of the body warns of life changes that will no longer come as a surprise to you.

    If your right eyebrow itches, this may mean:
  • A pleasant meeting and a sincere conversation with your old male friend is expected if the itch is on the right side; or with a female friend when it is on the left.
  • For a girl or woman, this sign is a harbinger of meeting an interesting man with whom a long-term relationship can begin.
  • For men, you should expect a variety of unexpected events in life, which may not only be positive.
  • If the itching does not cause discomfort, it means that someone praises and admires you, remembers a pleasant time in your company with good words.
  • This sign warns of a positive visit: soon old friends or relatives will come to visit you.
  • For a pregnant woman, this is considered a sign that the newborn baby will be a boy.
  • Itching above the right eyebrow - expect financial profit from a completely unexpected direction; under it - a small loss, especially for people with considerable income.

Itchy left eyebrow meaning

If you feel that your left eyebrow is itching, you should be prepared for difficulties in life and negative emotions. Compared to the itching of the right, you should not expect good omens.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that the left side of a person is controlled by evil forces that whisper in the ear about dashing and unworthy deeds. Therefore, the signs associated with the day when the left eyebrow itches are mainly unfavorable for financial matters, travel and personal life.

    If your left eyebrow suddenly starts to itch, beware of the consequences:
  • You may expect bad news at work or from family; regrets and tears are possible.
  • Meeting people who have deceitful intentions. Such a person could be a stranger who is a fraudster who wants to deceive you, or a good friend from whom you do not expect meanness or deception.
  • An itchy left eyebrow often means that someone is talking about you behind your back, and these are unkind words. They may blame and reproach you, which is often accompanied by a feeling of burning cheeks and ears.
  • For pregnant women, this signal means that they should expect the birth of a girl.
  • Itching on top of the eyebrow is a sign of negative emotions: anger, resentment, betrayal; under the left eyebrow - means tears and disappointment.>

    If your left eyebrow is itchy, you need to be prepared for difficult situations that may happen in your life.

    Sign about itchy eyebrows by day of the week

    It is worth considering that the sign has different meanings depending on the day of the week.


    If your right eyebrow itches on Monday, expect pleasant changes in your professional sphere: a surprise from a colleague, a bonus or praise from management. If the left one itches, expect difficult, problematic work tasks.


    On the second day of the week, signs indicate relationships: if it itches on the right – threw will be fun meetings and meeting a good person, and on the left – conflicts with family and friends close to you.


    Wednesday evening is rich in emotions. If the itchy eyebrow is on the left side, expect bad news and negative emotions; on the right, expect good mood and positivity in your everyday life.


    In the second half of the week, on Thursday, depending on your itchy eyebrow, you should expect good luck and success in your endeavors or life problems and failures. When the right eyebrow itches on Thursday, feel free to take on new things and rely on your luck. While the left side itch is a signal that it is better not to make important decisions, they will fail.


    The last day of the work week is considered the day when omens necessarily come true. Therefore, if your right eyebrow itches, rest assured that you may have a successful and wonderful day, your Guardian Angel will help you in all your endeavors. If the left eyebrow itches, the evil eye and damage from strangers are possible. Spend this day at home with your family.


    Saturday should be dedicated to your family; if you are feeling itch on the right side, it will be a favorable day for family meetings and walks, leave work and worries. On the other hand, it is a sign that you need to be careful in disputes with family and make compromises to maintain peace and warm relations.


    On this day you should not worry about signs and their meanings. Wherever there is a feeling of itching, they will not come true. You need to tune in to the positive and gather strength for the coming week in order to start it with a good mood and emotions.

    What does it mean if it itches between the eyebrows?

    If it itches between the eyebrows, serious health problems await someone. This sign may not apply specifically to you, but to close relatives or friends. You shouldn’t worry too much, you need to hope for the best and push away troubles with good thoughts.

    But this is only one option; others believe that itching between the eyebrows is a sign of good news. Pleasant, friendly conversations, meetings and guests from afar will await you.

    When the lower part of the bridge of the nose itches, it is worth thinking about maintaining your financial situation, especially if you have a lot of income. If you have a small income, there is no need to worry.

    What does it mean if both eyebrows itch?

      When two eyebrows itch at once, this is usually considered a good sign. This is often a harbinger of financial well-being, which can manifest itself in different ways:
    • a bonus for good work, a lucky win in the lottery;
    • unexpected discovery of money on the street, however, you need to remember that money thrown on the street may have a conspiracy or damage.

    For pregnant women, this may mean that there is a possibility of having twins.

    If it itches under your eyebrows, get ready for financial losses; it is better not to lend money on this day.

    Folk signs can be treated differently, especially when you pay attention to such a trifle as itchy eyebrows. But in any case, you need to be prepared for various life situations that will not take you by surprise if you know what to expect. Plus, not all signs necessarily come true. The signal from itchy eyebrows is only a warning; the event itself may bypass you, however, it is better to be careful.

Sergii Haranenko

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