Real life omens about hands and arms.
- Superstitions about hands
- Omens about fingers
- Signs and superstitions about palms
- Omens about elbows
Superstitions related to hands
From the very beginning of our life, we are faced with various kinds of signs and beliefs. Everyone, of course, decides for himself what to believe and what to treat with a grain of salt. But everyone should know about the signs that relate to your own bodyparts.
There are many signs and omens that are associated with parts of the human body. It itches somewhere, you hit something, - and there are omens about all of this. People use their hands constantly. It is impossible to do anything if you donāt do it with your hands - to cook food, clean it in the house, chop wood, bring water and much more. That is why a large number of various signs and omens are associated with hands. Moreover, signs about a personās hands begin from fingers to the elbow.
It is considered a bad omen to put your hands under your head while sleeping, ancestors believed that in this way you can bring misfortune and poverty on yourself.
What is the meaning of bird droppings on your hands? There is an omen that if a bird has dropped its poop on your hand, it means that you are an exceptional person. Soon, a special talent may open in you, which you yourself did not know about before. And your financial well-being also has a chance to increase.
Is there a sign about a spider on your hands? You can expect a monetary profit if a spider has fallen into your hand. If a cute ladybug sits right on your hand, it means that great luck and a dream come true soon! In no case should you brush it off, they say - "you will brush your luck off yourself."
When it gets dark, you should not transfer money from hand to hand - it is an omen of misfortune. To avoid this, the money is thrown on the floor, and the one to whom it is intended must pick it up.
The appearance of warts on the right hand portends a solid bargain, a serious acquisition. If the warts appeared on the left hand, this is a sign that a person will have to become impoverished and go broke. If such a development of events is impossible due to the lack of wealth and constant income, then the omen predicts that in the near future they are not destined to appear and all efforts will be in vain.
Crossing the threshold of the house holding hands is a sign of good and long family life.
If acne appeared on someone's legs and arms, this omen portends a trip in the near future.
Cramps in hands or any other parts of the body are a sign of weather change.
In the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conceiving was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms and soon she became a mother herself. Food that a pregnant woman gives you (she has to give you food with her own hands) will help you get pregnant.
When leaving the registry office at the wedding, young people usually hold hands. There is an omen that whoever of the newlyweds has a hand at the top will lead the family.
There is a sign that if you got money from the hands of rich people, you should save it - it will make you more money.
There is a folk sign that he who walks and swings his arms is chatty.
Are there any signs related to funeral? In some areas there is a custom to see a person off on their last journey, carrying a coffin in your arms. This should be done by people who are not relatives of the deceased. Otherwise, the dead person will think that his death is welcome in the house.

Omens about fingers
What is the meaning of a sign when you hurt your finger? When a girl pricked her finger - this is a sign that her lover is thinking about her. This sign appeared due to the fact that people, who are in love, feel each other at a distance. Therefore, if a girl is engaged in work that requires careful handling of sharp objects, and suddenly got pricked, it means she felt that her beloved was thinking about her, and this distracted her from work.
What does it mean when you pinch your finger? Pinching/nipping your finger - this sign predicts an unpleasant surprise. An event like pinching a finger in itself is already an unpleasant surprise. Perhaps this is the basis of this sign. However, many generations of our ancestors have noticed that if you suddenly nipped your finger, this is an omen that someone will come to you with bad news in the near future, or there will be a problem at home.
Modern psychics claim that if you want to protect yourself from the evil eye and spoilage, you need to cross your fingers into the ālockā, that is, the fingers of one hand should be between the fingers of the other hand. They say that in this way you will close your field on yourself, and no energy interference will bother you.
If you pinned your fingers on the car or apartment door, it doesn't matter, an unpleasant surprise awaits you in the coming days.
In no case do not point your finger if you see a cemetery or a rainbow in front of you, as there is an omen that this can lead to serious troubles and even death.

Signs and superstitions about palms
What are the money signs related to hands and arms? The most popular superstition sign is that you should always take money with your left hand, and give it with your right hand.
The most often mentioned sign about left hand is the following. When your left palm is itching, this omen predicts money profit. An itching right palm/hand can be a sign of greeting someone or having to spend some money. If your both palms are itching at once, this symbol predicts a lot of money. However, some people consider that itching hands have the opposite meaning: the right hand means gaining, the left one ā losing.
When the left palm is itching unexpectedly, this is a sign that you will receive an unexpectedly large amount of money. Someone will return the old and forgotten debt; there is also high probability of winning the lottery, receiving a bonus. Do not forget to scratch your left hand; not many have heard that in order not to miss this money, you have to rub your palm on your left pocket.
If your left hand began to itch before signing an important contract or if you expect a promotion up the career ladder, this is a sign that you will succeed.
There is a superstition that you should not shake someoneās hand or pass anything over the threshold ā there will be a quarrel between you.
If your left hand trembles - this sign predicts forthcoming joy.
There is a superstition that if you sweep something away from the table with a hand - there will be no income.
In order for a relationship with a girl to last a long time and lead to a wedding, coming to her home, a guy must, before calling or knocking, stroke the doorframe with his left hand, thinking about how dear his beloved is to him.
There is an omen that in order not to leave this world ahead of time, upon returning from the funeral, you should warm your hands by the fire or under a stream of hot water thoroughly.
When the soap slips out of your hands, this is not a good sign.
There is a sign that if two people wash their handsin the same vessel at the same time, this means they will certainly quarrel until evening.
There is a sign that when someone returns his debt to you, you should make a figure of fig/bubkes with your hands (your thumb goes between the index and middle fingers; the rest of fingers make a fist) in your left pocket.
If you feel your hands are on fire, this is a sign that you will beat someone.
What does it mean if you injured your hands, are there any signs? Cutting the right hand is a sign of a quarrel. The deeper the wound is, the more implacable the disagreement will be. The sharper the subject that inflicted the wound, the sharper the impending conflict will be. As for the hand, the right one is responsible for the quarrel with the man, cutting the left hand - predicts misunderstanding with a woman. What does it mean if you have a papercut? To cut yourself on paper or on another object from which you did not expect such a thing - is a sign of an unexpected quarrel with a person with whom it previously seemed unreal for you to argue.
If you burn the right hand, this is a sign that has several interpretations. To an unmarried girl or a single guy, such an incident threatens with sudden love. For a family man, a burn of the right hand promises loss. Most often, in financial area. By the scale of the wound, one can judge the scale of financial troubles.
If your hands are frozen and you can not warm them up ā this is a clear sign that you are being discussed behind your back.
What does it mean if you have hairy hands? If there is a lot of hair on your hands, this is a sign of wealth.
Drawing lots or a ticket on the exam, do it with your right hand. Then luck will be on your side.
If freckles appeared on your hand ā wait for promotion at work, this is a clear sign of personal development.
Omens about elbows
What are the signs and superstitions about elbows? If you hit your elbow, this is a sign of trouble.
If you knock a plate or a piece of bread from the table with your elbow at lunch - wait for a quarrel with your family.
If your left elbow is itching, this is a sign of unpleasant event, disappointment, quarrels and conflicts.
When the right elbow itching, this omen brings joy, pleasant events. This sign can also mean changing place of living or spending the night not at your place.
Young girls believe that the right elbow itches at the very moment when the lover remembers her with a kind word. In any case, it always itches as a symbol of something good.
It is very curious when a person suddenly begins to feel both elbows itching. This is a good sign that promises something pleasant.
What does it mean when you are hitting your left elbow? This sign indicates that people think something bad about you at the moment, perhaps they are plotting evil intent or simply scolding you for any wrongdoing.
If the blow fell on the right hand - this is a good omen. So, at the moment you are remembered with a kind word, admired by your actions or praised for something.