
Burning Building Dream Meaning

Contrary to expectations seeing a burning building in a dream is a good sign, promising auspicious changes and joyful events. But do not forget: depending on details, the interpretation may change significantly.

If you dreamed of a burning building, you will experience great joy for your loved ones, or positive changes will happen in your life soon. It is a good signal if the fire broke out in a building that belonged to you personally in a dream, but did not bring the slightest harm. You will feel a surge of energy and enthusiasm in real life.

But if you found yourself in the epicenter of the fire and got hurt, the dreambook recommends to be very careful in real life. You run the risk of an accident or a crash.

If you felt a serious danger from fire in a dream, this plot reflects your worries, suspicions and other anxieties.

It is also important to take into consideration who had a dream about building on fire. For example, a burning building in a dream promises sailors a safe and successful voyage, and success and inspiration for writers.

The dream guarantees businessmen high profits and successful deals for a long period, and for lonely people it brings passionate love.

If you saw a multi-storey building burning in a dream, this can be a symbol of protection of an important person.

Seeing your own dwelling on fire in a dream is a sign you should beware: the tension that has recently been in the family can lead to a serious conflict. Sometimes a fire in your own house predicts: if you get involved in a venture, you will literally stay outside.

But mostly often the dreambooks give positive interpretation and promises happy times or a grand celebration that will bring together relatives and friends.

If you dreamed about some manufacture building burning, it is a sign that the events will be going fast, but right according to the plan. A burning office guarantees hate or betrayal of proxies.

If you saw a single building burning, you can expect unusual news. If an entire city was in flame, this means bad time is coming for the whole country.

    The dreambooks also give interpretations for the plot depending on your actions:
  • Watched the fire - indifference, estrangement.
  • Were inside the burning building - the fear of the future.
  • You extinguished the fire from a bucket - reconciliation of the parties, an agreement.
  • You extinguished the fire from the fire hose - party, booze.

If you saved someone from a burning building, life circumstances that kept you in suspense for a long time will suddenly disappear completely.

If you set the building on fire yourself, be prepared for pleasant surprises. You may be able to meet old friends or go on a trip.

It is a bad sign to see a building that has completely burned out. This is an promise of great failures and even unhappiness. If you endure this test, then fate will bestow you especially generously.

If you watched other people steal stuff from burning buildings, this is a warning that you will happen to be in a dead end if you do not start doing something.

Sometimes the dreambooks offer very simple interpretation of dreams about burning buildings: if seen in winter, this is a sign of severe cold; if seen in summer it predicts real heat.

Sergii Garanenko

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