Draft Dream Meaning
Sergii Garanenko
Reading time: 2-3 min.

What is the draft dream meaning and symbolism? It is a sign of big loss or tiresome chores. Besides that, if you dreamed of draft, this plot may promise a joyous party.
If there was strong draft in your dream, this may be a symbol of getting out of a difficult situation. A dream about draft in the apartment is a sign of sadness.
What are the Top-5 negative dream meanings of a draft?
- A strong draft in dreams usually warns of the loss of a valuable thing.
- Cold draft – is a sign of a disease.
- A draft in the house promises bad news.
- Dream of a draft in the car – means failures in the personal sphere.
- Trembling from a draft – cooperating with a frivolous person.

Top-5 positive dreams about draft.
- A light draft in a dream is a sign of a pleasant conversation.
- Warm draft in dreams – promises joy.
- Draft at work – brings the long-awaited relocation.
- Draft on the balcony – predicts making the right decision.
- At the staircase – predicts the appearance of a new friend.
According to Miller's dream book, such a dream symbolizes regret for the mistakes made.
- Additional dream interpretations by Miller:
- a sudden draft speaks of well-deserved respect;
- dreaming of a cool draught – means you may receive an expensive gift;
- whistling draft in a dream – predicts a serious conversation with the boss.

According to Freud's dream book, a dream about draught promises the need to make a difficult choice.
- Other dream meanings by Freud:
- to feel a draft speaks of improving living conditions;
- stand in a draught – warns of trouble at work;
- lying in a draft is a symbol of danger.
- a draft in the bathroom (for men) – means resolving a long-standing conflict;
- a draught in the kitchen (for men) – indicates the need to devote more time to the family.
According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream predicts loneliness.
- Additional interpretations by Vanga:
- a draft from the window speaks of a conflict with a neighbor;
- draft from ventilation is a sign of betrayal;
- feeling draft from the entrance – means condemnation from others.
- to see how a draft moves the curtains (for women) – may symbolize exacerbation of a chronic disease.