Pride Dream Meaning

What does it mean if someone was very proud of something in your dream? While fair pride can be a positive quality, it runs the risk of rapidly becoming vanity. Vanity is never an attractive property, and dreams in which you are called arrogant indicate self-centeredness that can delay your progress at work or in love, the English dreambook thinks. What are you proud of in a dream? Of your friends or family? Of your achievements or your work? Or were you proud of more trivial things - your appearance, clothing, manner of speaking? Was the dream a warning that pride leads to fall?
Seeing a beautiful, proud girl in a dream and being afraid to approach her indicates your uncertainty in love affairs.
Seeing a proud person in a dream is a sign of conceit.
According to Smurova’s dreambook, if you dreamed that you were proud of something, this is a sign of the imminent strengthening of your position and influence in society, which some will try to take advantage of for their own purposes.
Some interpreters consider that boasting or taking great pride in a dream – is a symbol of shame or sin.

According to the Dream Interpretation of the 20th century, if you saw an arrogant or arrogant proud man in a dream, be careful: the dream urges you not to be arrogant in order to avoid possible troubles. It is also possible that you are about to take on a task that is beyond your power.
To be proud of yourself in a dream is a sign of imminent humiliation.
According to the Health Dream Interpretation, to experience sense of pride – predicts gallstone disease or joint diseases.
According to the Chinese dreambook, if you feel pride for your motherland and your nationality in a dream, this is a symbol of welfare and respect. If a man is bragging about his wealth, this plot will bring bad luck and problems; if it was a woman – there will be financial losses.
If a man is proud of his happiness and health in a dream, this plot predicts peaceful and happy life in future.
The Islamic dreambook considers pride in a dream a sign of oppression.