Vampire Dream Meaning
Seeing dreams about bloodsucking creatures suggests various interpretations: from minor loss to serious trauma. The dream also doesn’t exclude betrayal of somebody close to you. You should have a better look at people who surround you: one of them may really turn to be a vampire in figurative sense.
A dream when a vampire bites you is quite an unfavorable plot. Aesop’s dreambook is warning about a number of consequences, such as losing jewelry or health problems. There is also a possibility to get trauma, so you should be especially careful dealing with weapon or any other dangerous items; you should temporary refuse from extreme kinds of sport as well. According to modern dream interpretations, a vampire’s bite symbolizes a person in your close surrounding who wants to hurt you. If it was not you bitten by a vampire in a dream, but another person, this plot means you will be able to reveal the person who is setting intrigues and manage to minimize the damage caused by him.
According to Miller, if you managed to kill a vampire in a dream it is a very good sign that a hopeless issue is coming to an end. You win get victory in a situation that you were not hoping to solve. As for vampire’s funeral, this dream plot has a negative meaning: you may have big, unnecessary and unwanted expenditures.
A dream about vampire drinking blood is considered the only positive plot in this topic. You can be expecting resolution of a long-lasting problem: debt return, recovery, reconciliation with a person playing an important role in your life. By the way, luck promised by such dream can not be yours but a person who you care about can get it, depending on who needs it more.Any dream about vampires will have consequences and the dreambooks call you be more careful and not lose vigilance. If a vampire from the dream really reminds you of somebody, the interpreters recommend you paying attention to this person. If you yourself were the vampire, this can be a signal of an illness the symptoms of which you haven’t noticed yet. You should pay attention to your health and try not to get exhausted. An aggressive vampire is warning you about danger and risks of any kind.