Woman Shaving Dream Meaning

When you dream of a shaving woman, this may predict looking for a new job. Besides that a dream about a woman shaving something predicts falling in love or reaching your goal.
- The dream dictionaries give brief interpretations depending on which body part the woman is shaving:
- shaving bikini zone - means self-doubt;
- shaving a beard - trouble at work;
- shaving leg hair - a quarrel with family members;
- shaving head - warns of making a mistake;
- shaving one’s face - the need to make an important decision;
- shaving armpits - the implementation of plans;
- shaving mustache - an unfortunate combination of circumstances.

If a woman dreamed about another woman shaving, this plot may symbolize the appearance of an admirer. If a man saw such a dream, he may lose an argument.
- What are the Top-5 negative dreams about woman shaving?
- A woman shaving with a disposable razor speaks of difficulties in communicating with others.
- Woman shaving with electric razor – warns of the disease.
- Dream about your mother shaving – symbol of causeless fears.
- Seeing your colleague shaving in a dream – sign of disappointment in the profession.
- Seeing a woman shave and cut herself in a dream means an unpleasant meeting.
- Here are the Top-5 positive dream plots about shaving women:
- A young woman shaving in a dream speaks of being popular with the opposite sex.
- Dream about an unknown woman shaving – predicts a pleasant acquaintance.
- A woman who shaves in shower – predicts victory over the enemy.
- A woman shaving in the bathhouse – promises a long-awaited vacation.
- Woman shaving in the beauty salon – is a symbol of fun.

According to Miller's dream book, such a dream predicts a change in plans for the coming days.
According to Freud's dream book, seeing a woman shaving a dream promises a frivolous act.
- Additional dream meaning for women:
- shaving your face is a dream of a desire to change your lifestyle;
- woman shaving her intimate area – symbolizes an unwanted pregnancy.
According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream warns of financial losses.
- Additional interpretations by Vanga:
- a woman who shaves her head is a dream of a romantic date;
- shaving one’s hands - means lowering one’s wages;
- woman shaving her legs - the risk of suffering in an accident.
If a woman was shaving with a rusty razor, this plot predicts stagnation in business.
A woman shaving in front of the mirror is a sign of struggle with competitors.
According to Azar's dream book, such a dream predicts getting an inheritance.