Enlarging The Lips Dream Meaning

When someone dreams about lips enlargement, this is a reflection of lack of attention from the opposite sex. Besides that, such a dream predicts image change.
What are the Top-5 bad dreams about making your lips bigger?
- Enlarging plump lips in a dream speaks of an awkward situation.
- Inflamed lips enlargement - a serious illness.
- Increasing lips with the help of implants - a period of loneliness.
- Tattooing one’s lips - an event with unpleasant consequences.
- Enlarging lips at home - means demotion.
What are the Top-5 good dreams about lips enlargement?
- To enlarge lips with a vacuum is a dream predicting a fun party.
- Increasing lips with the help of makeup - making the right decision.
- Hyaluronic acid lips enlargement is a sign of good news.
- To increase the upper lip - a new romantic relationship.
- Enlarging your lower lip - the emergence of an influential patron.
According to Miller's dream book, such a dream promises a pleasant acquaintance.
- Additional interpretations by Miller:
- pumping up thin lips means getting rid of complexes;
- enlarging full lips - means a vain attempt to correct the error;
- enlarging already increased lips - an exacerbation of a chronic disease;
- pumping your own lips in a dream is a sign of financial difficulty;
- enlarging lips to another person - popularity.
According to Freud's dream book, lips enlargement in a dream portends an intimate relationship with a stranger. If a man injected something into his lips and saw that they have become larger, this means loss of reputation.
According to Vanga's dream book, seeing a dream about lips enlargement predicts treason.
- Additional interpretations by Vanga:
- making lips augmentation in a beauty salon in a dream warns of a risk of injury;
- making the procedure at home - means committing a rash act;
- lips enlargement in the hospital - increasing the level of prosperity;
- if you dreamed that you enlarged your lips and corrected the corners - your desire will be fulfilled.