
Asphalt Dream Meaning

The asphalt seen in a dream symbolizes obstacles to the implementation of seemingly well-thought-out plans. Some dream books are associating asphalt with cardinal changes in life and future meetings with old friends.

Skating on asphalt predicts by dream interpretation failure due to ill-conceived actions, unaccounted steps or one's own strength, lack of ability or money.

A dream of walking barefoot on asphalt predicts successful fulfillment of the plans. Walking on wet surfaces in a dream means that the dreamer, instead of solving situations, is trying to discreetly shift responsibility to other people or simply to escape from trouble.

Running barefoot along an asphalt path is interpreted by Dr. Freud's dream book as the dreamer's sufficient emancipation in the intimate sphere. You accept yourself and your body, with its flaws and imperfection.

Miller's dream book explains why one dreams of walking barefoot on asphalt with the opportunity to pour out the soul to loved ones and get support in return. For a woman a dream of walking along a path without shoes, predicts the appearance of a long-awaited love affair that can turn her head around.

If you dreamed that you happened to lay a new asphalt pavement yourself in a dream, according to the Summer Dream Book, this image portends a successful solution to the existing problem.

Putting new asphalt, driving the asphalt roll in a dream, promises close acquaintance in large circles with an influential and authoritative person. Getting dirty with fresh asphalt mix - to an unpleasant clarification of relationships with others.

If you dreamed how bitumen was poured from asphalt-laying equipment, it marks the barriers in the matter, which at first glance seems simple and doable. Perhaps you should really evaluate your skills and abilities before taking on something.

If you dreamed that the road was cracking and failing, it speaks of an unforeseen situation that could catch a sleeping person by surprise, ruining his plans.

The Modern combined interpreter explains why one dreams of seeing traces on the new, just laid asphalt, by the need to prove one’s own innocence in a rather unpleasant affair.

Lying on a dirty road surface in a dream promises the interpreter the prospect of running into a public condemnation. Falling on it predicts a solution to a controversial situation, a way out of which cannot be found.

Dreaming how workers pave the asphalt, according to the Women's Dream Book, promises change. You can finally feel the stability and confidence in the future.

If you had to wash the asphalt in a dream, this means, according to the Universal Dream Book, the dreamer will have a long road, an exciting journey. For men, the dream action portends the possibility of a long business trip.

At the same time, washing the dirty asphalt pavement indicates the prospect of starting a new and exciting business, freeing yourself from the old troubles and unnecessary tasks.

Despite disturbing circumstances, when one dreams of seeing blood on black asphalt, this image predicts happiness in love and success in business. Washing blood on the road portends the arrival of relatives, to establish contact with whom will be very difficult.

If a young girl dreamed that she had a chance to lie on the pavement, this means that in real life separation is coming from a loved one who is preparing for a long trip.

Drawing with chalk on the asphalt path predicts nostalgia, meeting with a longtime friend or classmates. If you happened to sweep something on asphalt - get ready for the arrival of distant comrades or distant relatives.

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Sergii Garanenko

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Related Dreams:

  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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