Scrap Metal Dream Meaning

Seeing scrap metal in a dream usually promises improvement of financial situation or a pleasant acquaintance. Besides that, this dream predicts overcoming obstacles on the way to your goal.
- Depending on the actions in a dream:
- gathering scrap metal - symbolizes an unfavorable period in life;
- selling metal objects - means trying to fix the mistake;
- seeing scrap metal in the forest means a reward for hard work.
What are the Top-5 bad scrap metal dream meanings?
- Scrap metal in the garage speaks of a misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones.
- Seeing scrap in a landfill - means condemnation from others.
- Carrying scrap metal - symbolizes moral and physical fatigue.
- Throwing scrap metal away - predicts losses through one's own fault.
- Stealing scrap metal in a dream - means participating in an adventure.
What are the Top-5 good dreams about scrap metal?
- Scrap metal in a warehouse in a dream predicts prosperity and welfare.
- Seeing scrap near your house - means the patronage of a high-ranking person.
- Buying scrap metal in a dream - is a sign of unexpected wealth.
- Recycling scrap in a dream - means getting a leadership position.
- Seeing someone selling scrap metal means signing important documents.
According to Miller's dream book, seeing scrap metal in a dream predicts success in all endeavors.
- Additional interpretations by Miller:
- black scrap metal warns of dismissal due to the intrigues of colleagues;
- non-ferrous scrap metal - means the emergence of a bad habit;
- scrap of precious metal - an interesting find;
- a pile of scrap metal - promises popularity with men (for women).
According to Freud's dream book, such a dream promises an interesting event.
- Additional meaning for men:
- gathering scrap metal means losing a large amount;
- handing the scrap - means victory in the competition.
According to Vanga's dream book, a dream about scrap portends the development of professional skills.