House Construction Dream Meaning

The construction of the house, seen in a dream, according to the interpretation of Miller's dream book, means a change in the fate of the dreamer. So, for example, if during the construction of a house you see that a tower crane has fallen, then hardly anyone will support your ideas.
To build a wall in a dream means fulfilling an old dream. If you dreamed that you erected a barricade in front of the entrance to your home, this image means you even hate the idea that you can become someone’s puppet, so you "build" psychological defense.
- The individual parts of the building can tell a lot of interesting things about the upcoming events.
- Seeing the foundation built is a symbol of hard, but profitable work.
- Building all four walls at once is a sign of insurmountable obstacles.
- The porch was made in a dream - wait for promotion.
- Covering a building with a roof - success will “cover” you head over heels.
- You attached a canopy in a dream - you will return all your debts.
If you dreamed that you ordered the construction of a house – you can find out why there is such a dream. Interpretation of the plot will please you: coziness and well-being are waiting for you soon, especially if you decide to get a wooden dwelling.

To build a small wooden house on your summer cottage land - predicts peace and tranquility. But, if you dreamed of a huge mansion, not a stone one, but a wooden one, then no crisis will be able to “breach” your budget.
A Modern dream book will give an answer to what dreams of constructing a new high-rise building mean. If you took part in the building of a high-rise business center with a colleague, then this person will help you get a promotion.
Do you see yourself as a foreman at the construction site of a new multi-storey residential complex? You will be entrusted with duties, the implementation of which will affect your salary significantly. And if you built a new hypermarket - do not tell anyone about your plans. The "Market" was multi-story - you have a chance to get a promotion; one-story – your plans will hardly be implemented. A multi-storey school or a children's center is a symbol of new perspectives.
The construction of a house unusual for a simple layman, like its repair, can have different interpretations. Here's what the construction and repair of some of them mean in a dream, according to various dream books.
If you built an igloo (icehouse) in a dream – this plot predicts cooling of conjugal passion, and possibly even treason. Building a hut for yourself - to the simplicity of human relations, the dream book of Pastor Loff predicts.
Building a house of gold predicts hypocrisy, but glass housing is a sign of sincerity. The treehouse is a symbol of the dreamer's desire to get away from the hustle and bustle and hardships, these are dreams of peace, the Female Dream Book interprets.