Universe Dream Meaning

What does it mean if you see dreams about the universe? Seeing a world in a dream predicts interesting life changes. Besides that, such an image in a dream promises bright impressions and receiving valuable information.
Seeing the world of the dead in a dream is a sign of chagrin.
A dream about a ghost’s world warns about unforeseen expenses.
Some dreambooks consider dreams about the universe a sign of sexual dissatisfaction.
Going to another world through a portal in a dream promises a new talent.
The dream in which the other world was created portends an improvement in well-being.
- What kind of world did you dream about?
- virtual world - a fun pastime;
- aquatic world seen in a dream - travel;
- magical world - engaging in an active sport;
- the other world - the need to improve qualifications;
- spiritual world - a calm period in life;
- mysterious world - the appearance of a mystery;
- afterlife world - a serious illness;
- another world - gossip from friends;
- world inside out - disappointment in a loved one;
- the real world - financial stability;
- new world - career growth;
- world upside down - stagnation in business;
- underground world - bad mood;
- netherworld - sadness;
- lost world - a break in relations with a partner;
- dark world - symbolizes depression.

- What was happening in your dream about the world?
- The world is changing - means doing hard work;
- The world turns over - making an important decision;
- The world collapses - the bankruptcy of the business;
- Creating the world - committing a good deed;
- Saving the world - means changes in personal life.
- What are the Top-5 bad dreams about the universe?
- The world of spirits in dreams predicts the appearance of an ill-wisher.
- The world of darkness - means an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
- Illusions’ world - predicts the betrayal by a friend.
- Conquering a foreign world - means minor troubles.
- Ruling a world - predicts a sudden dismissal.
- What are the Top-5 good universe dream meanings?
- The fairy-tale world in dreams promises creative success.
- Ancient world - predicts the emergence of new hobbies.
- Dream of the world surrounding you - means an invitation to a date.
- If you dreamed that the world was empty, this means improving the standard of living.
- The world split in two - the end of the period of failures.
According to Miller's dream book, such a dream is a symbol of the need to devote more time to your loved ones.
- Additional interpretations by Miller:
- the magical world means winning the competition;
- underwater world - promises adventure;
- unrealistic universe - means participating in a financial scam;
- if you dreamed that the world turned upside down, this promises pregnancy (for women).
According to Freud's dream book, a dream of the universe warns of catching a cold.
- Other interpretations by Freud:
- the world of the dead warns of the loss of a valuable thing;
- the world of the past - means causeless fear;
- the world of the future - promises replenishment in the family;
- if you dreamed that you saved the world, this is good luck in all endeavors (for men);
- destroying the universe - predicts a reprimand from the boss.