Black Wolf Dream Meaning

What does it mean if you dream about a black wolf? Dreams of black wolves speak about support of your friends or an influential person in solving a difficult problem.
If you see that the black wolf is grinning and showing his fangs, this is a warning of a dangerous situation or betrayal of someone close to you.
- What were you doing with the black wolf in your dream?
- running away from a black wolf - means a conflict with the boss;
- petting a black wolf - indicates confusion and the search for protection;
- feeding a black wolf - symbolizes failure of all plans;
- if you happened to kill a black wolf - this means winning in rivalry with a strong competitor.
- What did the wolf look like in your dream?
- big black wolf - a strong, large family;
- black wolf with red eyes - means insult of the mentor and conflict;
- kind black wolf - promises career advancement;
- evil black wolf - symbolizes frivolous acts and troubles;
- black wolf sleeping - means apathy and senseless pastime;
- huge black wolf - means helping relatives in achieving the goal;
- black wolf with yellow ears - self-isolation from society and depression;
- black wolf in blood - accident.
- What was the black wolf doing in your dream?
- black wolf chasing a hare - a bold deed and glory;
- black wolf biting people - means betrayal by loved ones;
- black wolf attacks other animals - means restoring one’s reputation;
- black wolf growling - sign of danger.
If you saw a black wolf in the forest, this means a lot of work and big profit. If besides the black wolf you saw a white wolf and its cubs, this means a happy marriage and family well-being; black wolf, gray rat and cat - symbolize financial problems; a wolf, hedgehog and bear - warn of a conversation with an unpleasant interlocutor and jealousy.
Dreaming about a couple of black wolves speaks about fidelity and mutual understanding in relations with a loved one; three black wolves - promise successful cooperation and reward; dream of a pack of wolves - means trials that friends will help you overcome; seeing a lot of wolves in a dream - means competing with rivals for leadership positions.

- Who saw a dream about black wolf?
- a pregnant woman dreams of black wolf - promises easy childbirth;
- a young girl sees a dream about black wolf - a date with a strong and intelligent young man;
- black wolves dreams for a man - means profits increase and gaining power;
- when a woman sees a black wolf in her dream - this means successful intuitive solutions.
- What are the Top-5 adverse black wolf dream meanings?
- A black wolf in a trap predicts lack of money and trouble.
- A black wolf in his lair - means performing monotonous work.
- A wolf with a she-wolf speaks of vain hopes.
- To see how a black wolf lies in wait for prey means failure in business.
- A dead black wolf warns of the machinations of ill-wishers.
- Here are the Top-5 auspicious dreams about black wolves:
- The sleeping black wolf predicts the birth of a talented child.
- When a black wolf eats his prey - this promises atmosphere of harmony and happiness in the house.
- A black wolf sitting in a cage - means the successful solution of an old problem.
- A black wolf that protects the dreamer - promises help from friends and family.
- A huge black wolf with blue eyes - means meeting an influential person.
A dream in which a black wolf did not obey your commands portends positive changes in your personal life.
A dream in which you run away from a pack of black wolves promises a conflict with a colleague.
Dream about a black and white wolf – warns of a quarrel with an aggressive person.
According to Freud, the black wolf speaks of a happy relationship with a loved one. According to Tsvetkov, when a child dreams of a black wolf, this means problems in relationships with his peers; for an adult – this means success.