Interpreting Dreams About Boxing
Boxing in a dream is compared by a dream book to the need to show all the dexterity and endurance for the sake of a positive outcome of the undertaking. This type of competition seen in a dream reflects a difficult period of preparation and self-improvement for the dreamer.
Dreaming about boxing is identified by Miller’s dream book with the appearance of painful sensations. It seems to you that the obligations imposed on you are difficult, and burdensome and do not bring the long-awaited result. Miller warns: do not relax, because the tense situation will continue for some time.
For a woman, to see a boxer in a dream means the tendency of the sleeping lady to communicate with frivolous and not serious people, which, subsequently, can negatively affect her reputation.
For a girl who in a dream happened to have close contact with a famous athlete in the world of boxing, Miller prophesies worries and emotional “swings” in relations with a future lover.
Seeing yourself in the image of a famous boxer speaks of a lack of recognition and support from others. Dream Interpretation is sure: it is impossible to correct this situation by force; only with bold and sound actions you will be able to win the public over to your side.
To be a boxing trainer in a dream means: to achieve the planned level, you need to replenish your supply of knowledge and skills, otherwise defeat is coming. The witch Medea, interpreting what a similar episode means in a dream determines the appearance of a person who can take on the role of your sensei.
For those who had a chance to watch boxing competitions in a dream, the Dreambook predicts a lot of worries that you will find harder and harder to manage alone. You should find yourself a worthy helper, who, according to the dream interpreter, is under your nose.
Seeing one of your relatives in the boxing ring announces the character’s intentions to make every effort to give you pleasure and maximum comfort on vacation.
A Modern combined dream book gives a definition of dreams about wearing boxing gloves, speaking of the impracticability of your hopes. Perhaps in order to succeed in the planned endeavour, you need to reconsider the ways of its implementation.
The girl who dreamed of boxing gloves should be ready for a likely fight with an opponent. Seeing boxing performed by two young fighters in a dream is identified with the fierce confrontation of two admirers of a sleeping beauty.
A Universal dream book explains what boxing gloves mean for men in a dream. A dream indicates the need to survive in a fierce confrontation with competitors. Sometimes, this image reminds of a secret struggle for leadership in the team.
Watching a fight in a dream foreshadows fun and entertaining pastime. Boxing yourself in a dream is a sign of a fierce struggle with an opponent for the love and disposition of a beautiful lady. Winnning a boxing fight – predicts great chances to win the reciprocity of the young lady.
Dreaming about punching bag is associated with change. Dream Interpretation, explains why one dreams of a boxing punching bag foreshadows cardinal life changes that affect not only life, work, love, but also the habits and worldview of a sleeping person.
- Dream Interpretation from A to Z, connects the interpretation of the dream of boxing with events in dream competitions:
- knockout - warns of intentions of ill-wishers to unbalance you;
- dreamed of a knockdown - big changes are coming in the personal life;
- loss by points - indicates your dissatisfaction with the public opinion;
- the end or the beginning of a round in boxing - predicts love victories.