
Excavating Dream Meaning

Excavations in a dream symbolize spiritual quest, change, or a voluntary return to the past.

Did you happen to see how you were trying to dig something out? Get ready for a monetary, but rather difficult period. If you dreamed that you dug up something valuable, wait for a favorable turn of events.

What is the general meaning of excavation in dreams? In real life, you will experience human envy or will have to divide some property. If you were lucky to dig up an old burial, dream interpretation prophesies: you will remember the long-forgotten story from your own past in reality.

Did you dream of participating in the excavation of ancient ruins? This means you will be able to fulfill an old dream, but for a strange reason it will bring you emotional worries. The specified plot also predicts frequent trips, business trips and even travels.

What is the meaning of long searches on ancient ruins? Dream Interpretation promises a big win or other unexpected profit. The same vision means mental depression, which will push you to a deep introspection.

If you happened to see someone else digging in the ruins? Do not wait for handouts from the fate, act yourself. Did you dream of excavations in the ancient site? Do not try to hide from the problems, only decisive action will help avoid trouble.

What is the meaning of archaeological excavations? You will have to solve a long-forgotten problem soon. Archaeological research on the pyramids in a dream promise improvement in your favorite activity or love. You will become a true professional soon.

If you dreamed of excavations at the site of an ancient temple, dream interpretation believes that you are seriously engaged in the research of your own soul. So, you got the opportunity to fulfill your karmic purpose.

Research digging of a very old grave mean that the black life strip is coming to an end, well-being and prosperity will come soon.

If you dreamed of excavating an abandoned cemetery grave, some event will bring confusion and inner emptiness, but a new friend will help overcome this state.

It is bad to see how you decided to dig up a fresh grave in an ordinary cemetery. This means that you are threatened with ridiculous losses through your own fault.

    The interpreters take into consideration what exactly you dug out during excavations:
  • half-decayed skeleton – false fears, worries;
  • dried out mummy – long-lasting, probably incurable disease;
  • unknown bones – epidemic, accident, global catastrophe;
  • human remains – danger, difficult work;
  • skull – creative idea, rarely – demonic power;
  • treasure – welfare, joy, health.

What it means if someone gives you a special place to search? This means you will accept a tempting offer, but later you will know a lot of troubles because of it.

Did you dream that the discovery was of no value? Alas, your plans will fail, and change will not bring the expected improvement.

Sergii Garanenko

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  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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