Hand Cut Off Dream Meaning

What does it mean if someone’s hand was cut off in a dream? This plot usually predicts difficulties communicating with others or a required separation from your family. Besides that, such a dream may symbolize getting big profit.
If a hand was cut off in a dream, this means alarming for no reason.
A dream in which you cut the ill-wisher's hand with a hacksaw promises hard work.
The dream in which they cut off the hand, and then stitched it back, promises getting rid of a bad habit.
A nightmare in which you were deprived of a part of the hand portends important changes in life.
If both hands were cut off in a dream, this is a sign of stress.
If the hand was torn off during the battle, this means the appearance of obstacles on the way to the goal.
Cutting off your own hand in a dream promises a way out of a difficult situation.
A dream in which the cut hand lies in the sock portends parting with a partner.
The dream in which the cut hands were scattered throughout the room promises communication with a cruel person.

- Brief dream meanings depending on details:
- left hand cut off - means disappointment in a loved one;
- right hand cut off - the loss of self-confidence;
- a relative’s hand cut off - symbolizes illness;
- hand cut off in a loved one - to a period of conflict;
- stranger’s hand chopped off - the need to make a difficult choice;
- losing a hand - means lack of attention from a loved one;
- seeing how someone else’s wrist was torn off - committing a rash act;
- hand with cut veins chopped off - bad luck;
- fractured hand cut off - deception from your partner;
- cutting off unknown person’s hand - achieving the goal.
What are the Top-5 bad dreams about cutting off a hand?
- A severed hand in blood in a dream speaks of bereavement.
- Hand without fingers - predicts dismissal.
- Burying it - participating in a scam.
- Re-attaching a cut-off hand back - an unsuccessful attempt to renew a relationship with an old friend.
- To see how a colleague’s hand was torn off is a sign of betrayal.

What are the Top-5 good hand cut off dream meanings?
- A thin cut off hand in a dream speaks of an additional source of income.
- Wrinkled arm cut off - predicts the patronage of an influential person.
- If you dreamed that a doctor cut off your hand, this means getting help in a difficult situation.
- Friend chopping off your hand - good news.
- Cutting off thief’s hands - predicts promotion.
- Whose hand was cut off in a dream?
- grandmother’s hand chopped off - the need to care for an elderly family member;
- cutting off a boy’s hand - a conflict with a neighbor;
- mother’s hand cut off - deterioration of relations with loved ones;
- father’s hand chopped off - means longevity;
- a man’s hand was cut off - receiving good news;
- partner’s limb chopped off - problems at work due to a quarrel with a colleague;
- baby’s arm cut off - deterioration in well-being;
- cutting off your brother’s hand - prosperity;
- son’s arm cut off - unplanned expenses;
- cutting off your sister’s hand - trouble due to inattention;
- deceased person’s hand was cut off - a chance to avoid danger;
- cutting off a girl’s hand - new interests.
- What was the hand cut off with in a dream?
- cutting off a hand with a knife - a nervous breakdown;
- hand cut off with broken glass - means loss;
- arm cut off with an ax - victory over the enemy;
- circular saw cut off someone’s hand - fatigue;
- cutting off a hand with a shovel - the desire to change jobs;
- bones cutting off one’s hand - material assistance from a relative;
- hand cut off with a steel thread - passion for esotericism;
- hand cut off with a huge sword - organizing a children's holiday;
- a hand was cut off by a train - portends relocation.
- How was the hand cut in your dream?
- hand cut up to the shoulder - deception from the boss;
- cutting a hand up to the wrist - reconciliation with the family;
- hand cut above the elbow - performance increase;
- cutting a hand without pain - emotional burnout.