
Injured Legs Dream Meaning

The dreambooks associate a dream of a broken leg with intractability. The dreambooks advise not to count on the support and understanding of others. Now is not the most favorable period for negotiating or concluding contracts.

The leg wound that you got in a dream means that care should be taken in real life. The dream warns that the range of possible troubles is quite wide: from minor property losses to an accident.

Cut off legs in a dream mean a high probability of being under total control. Dream interpretation advises to beware of surveillance, audits, visits of law enforcement agencies, as well as excessive care from someone close and dear to you.

A dream in which you have bruises on your legs means that in the near future you can make a mistake, as a result of which your position will weaken greatly. Dream interpretation is encouraging that this is a temporary phenomenon, and everything will return to normal.

All plots about a man without a leg speak about his lack of independence. This person strives to lean on someone’s shoulder in reality. Dream Interpretation does not deny that the dream can symbolize your second "self".

Snake bite on a leg in a dream promises the dreamer considerable difficulties and all sorts of tests. At the same time, the dream book is encouraging that after going through all the adversities, you will be generously rewarded by fate. For a woman, the dream can mean a long-awaited pregnancy.

If you were bitten by a rat on the leg, the dream book blames on the intrigues of the treacherous enemy. Sleep is encouraging that your opponent is not strong enough to lead you astray, and his tricks will not cause much harm.

If you dream about a dog biting your leg, such image means that you will have to deal with treachery. A person whom you are accustomed to trust unconditionally will set you up.

A dream in which you saw feet in blood threatens a spoiled relationship with one of your relatives. Dream interpretation believes that the cause may be an unseemly deed.

If you dreamed about sore feet, you can pack a suitcase, the dream book states. According to it, this plot means that the dreamer has a long business trip or a long journey.

A dream where you cut your leg urges not to lose vigilance and look not only forward, nor to the sides, and even sometimes under your feet, because no one knows where the trap can lie in wait.

Miller believes that if you had a torn off leg, the dream foreshadows the loss of all acquired, simply speaking, bankruptcy and poverty.

If you cut yourself while shaving legs, such plot predicts loss. Dream Interpretation specifies that excessive self-confidence may be the reason.

A fractured leg in a dream often symbolizes an insurmountable obstacle that suddenly appeared out of the blue. Dream Interpretation advises to revise your plans to avoid defeat.

Severed legs in a dream are a reflection of your confusion in reality. You feel the vulnerability of your position, you are frightened by the prospect of helplessness in overcoming problems.

The dream of wounded leg symbolizes significant financial costs, quarrels with loved ones and unforeseen difficulties in business. As the dream book believes, the cause of all misfortunes can be your own inattentiveness.

The needle in the foot symbolizes an annoying misunderstanding, which seems harmless at first glance. And yet, the dream calls for resolving it as soon as possible, until it develops into a serious problem.

The dream, in which the prosthesis of the foot or leg appears, symbolizes the coming changes, which are difficult to give an unambiguous assessment. The mood left by the dream will help you understand what kind of events are upcoming.

If you had a burn on your leg, the image means that it is pointless to try to repeat past success. Dream interpretation reminds that everything has its time, and each life period requires an individual approach.

Sergii Garanenko
  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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