Shooting Star Dream Meaning

What is the dream meaning of a shooting star? The heavenly bodies in a dream personify spiritual harmony, the desire for the immense and perfect. The dream about starry sky shows the romantic nature of the dreamer, inclined to idealize things, people and relationships.
Seeing a shooting star on a clear, cloudless night sky promises wonderful prospects in all areas of life. For married couples, a similar plot foreshadows a series of joyful events, good news, the implementation of the planned trip, the opportunity to change their home.
Dim constellations in a dream inform the dreamer of the beginning of difficult times.
A dream in which a shooting star flies directly at the dreamer is considered favorable. Such a plot is considered a harbinger of joy, happy moments in life and financial well-being.

Seeing a star descending from the ceiling or roof of a house promises ruin and poverty to the owner of the home. A Modern dream book associates a fallen star with misfortunes that will fall on the heads of one’s relatives and friends.
According to the dream book of Nostradamus, a large number of shooting stars in a dream predict weather or climatic disasters (prolonged rain, hail, drought) that can affect the future harvest greatly.
Seeing a shooting star in a dream and having time to make a wish is a favorable sign, interpreted by the dream book as the realization and achievement of cherished goals by a sleeping person. If at this moment you did not have time to formulate a request, this means in real time the results of the work will depend on the shown diligence and perseverance.