Black Sky Dream Meaning

Often, the horizon sky seen in a dream is interpreted by dream books as the near future of a dreamer. Therefore, its color and condition does play a big role in the interpretation of what this dream means. If you dreamed of a black sky, this means you need to be careful when making any decisions, since such a heavenly shade warns of danger.
According to Miller, if you see dark crimson, almost black sky above your head, then be prepared for the fact that a conflict is boosting in your team, and possibly even a strike.
It is another matter if the dark skies were illuminated by celestial bodies - the moon, stars, the sun - this means that, despite the gloomy prospects, the reality will not be so frightening.
And here, explaining to a woman why she dreams of the blackening horizon, the dream book gives such an interpretation: this vision promises sorrows and tears, as it means a “broken” heart and broken hopes.
- If you dreamed of a black sky, this is not a very kind sign, for the most part. However, if you see in a dream that the skies are at least a little bit illuminated by something, then you can hope for a bit of joy in the mass of negativity. Here is what some of them mean in a dream:
- Full moon on the blackening sky – hard work on yourself is waiting for you;
- Many stars at the night skies – you should look for positive moments everywhere and you will find them;
- A ray of sun is coming out of dark clouds – your problems will pass soon;
- A comet cutting the dark sky – bright impressions.

According to the interpretation of the Dreambook of the Wanderer, to dream of a nightly sky without stars is a symbol of your secrecy and mistrust.
If you had a dream about starry night - a “spark of joy” will come into life. But to see that the stars are hiding behind the clouds in a dream is a sign that you are carrying out grandiose plans, but you are hiding them out of fear of being misunderstood.
What is the interpretation of a dream of a black sky with thunderclouds tossing lightning, Aesop's dream book will tell. Pay attention to whether the clouds could “give birth” to rain or not: if it started to rain, you are in danger; rainfall never fell - the risk of getting into trouble, of course, is small, but there is one, remember that.
If you dreamed that clouds came running, lightnings sparkled and you saw a black sky above your head? Freud's dream book explains the dream in this way: you do not connect the failures that haunt you with problems in your sexual life, and you do it in vain. Talk with your partner, identify the problems and solve them - you will see how your life will be transformed.
A vision in which you see a black sky and a tornado raging in it warns of possible troubles that can be avoided by being smart, the Moon Dream Book predicts.
If a tornado happened during the day in a dream - this is a sign of help. A friend will take part in setting up your life. But if the tornado, beginning in the afternoon, does not subside with the onset of darkness, then you will have to cope alone, not counting on the support of loved ones.