Constellation Dream Meaning

What is the meaning of constellations seen in a dream? If you saw stars sparkling in the night sky in a dream - this is a symbol of joyful changes. It is even better if you have a dream in which you admire the bright constellations - this means that happiness will burst into your life rapidly.
But the extinct constellations portend sadness. But let's sort it out in order. So, why is the constellation seen in a dream and what do popular dream books tell us about this?
According to Miller, if you dreamed of bright stars shining against the background of a dark sky – it is a very good dream that promises health and all-consuming happiness. But if the constellations have faded in your dream – expect trouble.
To see a dream in which some well-known constellation, for example, the Big Dipper or the Hounds of the Heavens, flashes and then goes out is a sign that the time is not far away when fascinating but mysterious events will enter your life.
Dreaming about the constellation of Scorpio – means an unexpected turn of events awaits you, which will play into your hands, the Spring Dream Book promises.
The star cluster of the zodiac sign Sagittarius foreshadows the dreamer's courage in doing something.
Zodiac Leo constellation seen in a dream warns: if you do not pacify your pride - you will suffer from it.

The constellation of Cancer in a dream is a symbol of stagnation in business. To move on, you need fresh ideas.
Representatives of other zodiacs in constellations characterize the future in the same way as a horoscope.
The Southern Cross constellation means reaching career heights, but if the stars are dim, expect problems at work, Tsvetkov's dream book warns.
The brightly shining Little Dipper of the Ursa Minor symbolizes small joys, but the Big Dipper promises great victories in any field.
Seeing yourself as an astronomer in a dream – means you will have the opportunity to try yourself in something new in real life. Studying the star Sirius, which is part of the constellation of Canis Major, is a symbol of unexpected achievement for yourself in the field in which you are an amateur, Pastor Loff's dream book surprises with interpretation.
If you have a dream that you have witnessed constellations exploding, for example, Leo or Orion – this means you should beware of injuries and accidents, the Eastern dream book warns.
If you dreamed that the constellation of the Hounds of the Heavens moved to the southern hemisphere and its glow is visible both day and night - beware of telling unfamiliar people about yourself. It may happen that this information will become the subject of general discussion.

To dream that you are admiring the starry placers on the ceiling of your own bedroom is a sign of problems in the family. It is especially bad if you see the Leo constellation - this portends a major quarrel.
If you dream that you are flying in open space, admiring the pleiades of celestial bodies – means you are not sure that you can cope with the task entrusted to you.
If you dreamed of phantasmagoria that you observe how the heavenly pleiades are transformed into the animals they mean (cancer, dog, bear, etc.), and are circling in a heavenly round dance – means that a non-standard approach to the problem will help you get out of a difficult situation, Lunar dream book states.