Splinter Dream Meaning

A splinter is an unpleasant and painful thing itself. That is why many people, seeing it in a dream, get scared and try to figure out quickly why this image appears in a dream.
If you dreamed that while walking with your friends you found some foreign object in your leg that causes pain and discomfort, this means that it is better to postpone meeting them in reality, otherwise you will be bothered and worried. You should reschedule the meeting for another day.
Why do you dream of helping a friend remove a splinter stuck in his hand? This plot means a person will appear in your life, whose help you will need very soon.
If you dream that you feel pain and tingling in your palm, but you do not see anything in this spot, this means you will have to face unforeseen difficulties and personal problems in reality.
Dreaming that you are wading through thorny thickets, and thorns pierce you - this is a signal that envious people have appeared near you. Most likely, one of your colleagues is aiming for your place and demotion may await you.
If you happened to pull out a splinter from the wound, the interpretation is as follows - you can finally find out the name of your enemy, an envious person or a person who has antipathy towards you.
A splinter seen in a dream, according to Miller's Dream Book, means obstacles in achieving your plans and obstacles in business. Especially if you dreamed that it was stuck in your left leg. If in a dream you managed to pull it out, you can easily overcome all obstacles in your path.
What did Vanga say about dreaming about splinter? If you dreamed of a thorn in your finger, a new admirer will appear. To pick out a splinter stuck in your hand – means getting rid of a longtime foe easily.

What does it mean if you managed to remove a foreign object stuck in your leg? This plot means either you or a sick relative will be cured of the disease. If in a dream you managed to remove a splinter from the back of your hand - it's time to get rid of feelings and relationships that do not bring joy - unrequited love, obsessive friendship, perhaps even change your place of work if yours does not bring you the feeling of satisfaction.
How to understand a dream about splinters according to Esoteric dreambook? Sharp thorns under the skin are a kind of human energy channels. If you dreamed that a thorn was stuck in your leg or in your hand, this means that someone is trying to take away your positive energy.
A prickly splinter has settled in your chest or head area - someone is acting negative energy on your family and marriage. It will be especially powerful if blood has flowed from the wound.
If you were able to get rid of the splinter, the interpretation will be as follows - you are a very strong and energetically stable person. The enemies will have a hard time waging war with you and they will most likely retreat.
If you dreamed that you helped to get a splinter out of the body of a loved one, this suggests that this particular person became the energy target, but the negative impact will also affect you, albeit to a lesser extent.