Asking For A Loan Dream Meaning

What does it mean if you borrow money in a dream? Asking someone to lend you money predicts financial difficulties and tiresome chores. Besides that, such a dream warns of wasting money in vain.
- What are the Top-5 bad dreams about asking for a loan?
- Asking for money in debt for food in a dream predicts health problems.
- Trying to borrow money to pay for housing - means negative changes in life.
- Asking for a loan at interest - the loss of a valuable thing.
- Borrowing money on receipt - means losing the dispute.
- Asking for a loan and being refused - means betrayal by a friend.
- What are the Top-5 good borrowing money dream meanings?
- Asking for a loan from parents means a pleasant surprise.
- Borrowing money from friends - predicts a period of calm.
- Borrowing money from a dead man - promises wealth.
- Asking for a loan for a long time - may symbolize joyful events.
- Someone lending you money until you get salary - the well-deserved respect.

According to Miller, such a dream predicts hard work.
- Additional meanings for women:
- seeing how you ask some to lend you a large sum - an exciting journey;
- trying to borrow a modest amount of money - means making an important decision.
According to Freud's dream book, borrowing money in a dream can be interpreted as a symbol of financial difficulties.
- Additional meaning for men:
- asking for a loan for some kind of purchase - warns of house robbery;
- borrowing money for treatment - means participating in an adventure.
According to Vanga's dream book, such a dream promises the appearance of an influential friend.
- Additional interpretations by Vanga:
- dreaming of asking for money from a relative means receiving a profitable offer;
- trying to borrow money from a stranger - predicts the appearance of an ill-wisher;
- a colleague lending you money - means gossip.