Patting Someone On The Head Dream Meaning

What does patting someone’s head mean in a dream? Dream Interpretations are sure that stroking someone on the head in a dream is an expression of tenderness, gratitude and care in one gesture. What these manipulations represent in a dream depends on the characters in the plot and the general atmosphere of the dream.
The dream book of psychologist Miller gives an explanation of why one dreams of stroking a man on the head. If in a dream it was an unfamiliar man, it means that soon there will be a chance to meet influential people who have every opportunity to provide you the necessary support.
Seeing that you are stroking a man you know means that you should carefully listen to his words, perhaps he will offer an interesting idea, or give you good advice. If you patted your beloved guy in a dream - try to trust your lover more and give space for personal interests.
If you dreamed that you happened to stroke your boyfriend on the head, according to the Family Dream Book, it means that now your loved one needs care, affection and tenderness. Smoothing the guy's beautiful hair in a dream predicts successful development of love relationships.
Seeing that your beloved boyfriend gently touches your hair in a dream means that advice and support will help him realize another dream in reality. If a guy dreamed that a girl was running her hand through her hair, this means the young lady's thoughts were directly related to the dreamer.
Dr. Freud confidently interprets what a girl who renders such signs of attention to a young man means in a dream. According to the dream book, the dream image indicates the desire of the young lady to dominate in intimate relationships.

- A Modern combined dream book is sure that the interpretation of the dream depends directly on the character who strokes your head:
- if it was your mother who patted you, your wildest ideas will soon come true;
- father stroking you in a dream - it means that you made the right decision in reality;
- a dead man patting you on the head - suggests the end of failures, the beginning of a new life period;
- grandfather stroking you - a reminder that you need to listen to the opinions of elders;
- the child patting you in a dream is a call to mercy.
It is easy to guess what dreams of stroking your mom or dad on the head. The image seen in a dream serves as a call for the need to support your loved ones. Perhaps your parents are going through a difficult period in their lives, so it is imperative to take part in their business, surrounding them with attention and care.
Patting a dog by the muzzle in a dream, according to the 21st century Dream Interpretation, warns of the prospect of getting bogged down in boredom and melancholy. Seeing that you are caressing the head of a cat warns of the ingratitude of others in response to a good deed. Running your hand over the head of a deceased person portends a nervous breakdown or malaise.

Successful thoughts that will soon turn out to be a reality, acquiring new, interesting ideas and ways to implement them, that's what dreams of patting yourself on the head mean.
If you dreamed that you had a chance to gently touch the gray head of a grandfather or grandmother, this means that soon loved ones will provide you with invaluable help.
The Esoteric dreambook is sure that for those people who have to stroke someone on the head in a dream, guardianship, affection and warmth are vital. Therefore, to see such a dream for a married person predicts spiritual distance with a soul mate, which will be reduced by a heart-to-heart conversation without reproaches and mutual criticism.