Hitting A Woman Dream Meaning

As a rule, if you saw a plot about beating a woman in a dream, the prediction is not very favorable. The dreambooks predict betrayal, suffering, separation.
To hit a woman you know in a dream is an extremely negative sign! The dreambook of the Wanderer is convinced that you will enter into a long conflict with her very soon. If you dream of this, analyze with whom you currently have the most intense relationship. Show all your restraint and wisdom so as not to aggravate difficult relationships.
According to Longo, hitting a woman in the face is a sign of gossip; in the face and body – great problems about troubles. The harder you hit the victim in the face, the more difficult it will be to cope with adverse circumstances.
To dream of a battered pregnant rival is a symbol of reunion of your family. The Women’s dreambook is convinced that your spouse, realizing his mistake, will soon knock on your door and ask for restoring family relations. Think carefully about whether to save such fractured marriage.
If you saw a pregnant lady being hit and did not let the criminals to offend her and started to argue with them, this means you will commit a bold and noble act in real life. Modern dreambook believes that you will be able, under certain circumstances, to try on the role of a true hero.
According to Miller, beating a woman and swearing hard in a dream is a sign of attempts to prove your rightness in reality. At the moment there is a certain person or group of people who treats the said words with distrust. The dreambook recommends having a calm dialogue in order to be heard.
Miller also gives explanation of a dream about hitting a female relative. Seeing this means that you do not feel part of the family circle. Most likely, the mother, grandmother or wife does not give you warmth that you would like to receive.
- The dreambooks also give short interpretations of similar plots:
- Hitting a woman – she may cheat on you soon;
- Beating a woman without rest and remorse – success at work;
- Hitting a subordinate female – obedience of your subordinates;
- Pinching and teasing a woman painfully – wealth;
- Hurting a woman and then regretting your actions – a sign of emotional doubts.