
Breaking-up With Boyfriend Dream Meaning

What does it mean if you dream about your boyfriend breaking up with you? If you had to part with your partner in your dream, the dream book advises you to take this vision very seriously and sort out your feelings. Breaking up in a dream may be a sign of conflict with colleagues or betrayal of a friend.

If you happened to break up with a partner in a dream, it means that there is a reason for which the union can crack. Perhaps you are hiding something from him, for example, cheating, and are worried that everything can open up. Dreams, in which you had to break up with your boyfriend, will repeat until the issue is resolved.

The dream interpreters also think that such plot reflects your fear to be left alone. If your boyfriend offered to break-up in a dream, maybe your feelings are not strong and sincere enough.

This plot can also indicate the lack of moral satisfaction. If the lover offers to break-up in a dream, then it comes from the subconscious fear that you do not match him according to various criteria.

The breaking-up image may be seen in a dream as a symbol of personal insecurity and low self-esteem. The same interpretation has a dream in which you saw that your beloved one leaves for another woman.

If your boyfriend wanted to leave you in a dream, this is a sign that it's time for you to express your own opinion and not be led by others.

If your boyfriend decided on breaking up without any reason in a dream, this means that some event will happen that will be so unexpected that it will literally knock the ground from your feet.

If there was a serious reason for the break up, such plot promises big changes, but it is not necessary they will be in your personal life. If the initiative comes from you, and your boyfriend does not want to leave, it means that a period of great difficulties begins.

According to Miller, breaking-up in a dream is a symbol of cooling of your relations. But if you took the news joyfully, you can be expecting a new romance in real life.

Seeing how your boyfriend leaves predicts divorce in real life. If you feel complete indifference, it means that it would be better to part on good terms.

Regret and sadness during breaking up in a dream suggests that you need to leave the past behind and live in a new life. This is especially true if you dreamed that you had a chance to break up with your ex-lover.

What is the meaning of breaking-up with your ex in a dream? If you broke-up with your ex and experienced a feeling of dissatisfaction, then you will meet with him again in real life. Quick and joyful parting with the ex means that you are prepared for success and good luck in all matters.

    Some dream details can help you get better interpretation of the plot:
  • A sudden breakup promises dramatic changes.
  • Too stormy - entertainment and fun.
  • With the scandal - predicts strengthening the relationship.
  • Sad - is a sign of the loss.
  • Because of betrayal - predicts a quarrel.

In any case, the dreambooks do not recommend taking this dream literally, but only as a warning that it is necessary to revise the current situation.

    Were you breaking-up with someone in a dream? The dreambooks give brief interpretations depending on who your partner was:
  • breaking up with your husband – means unsuccessful business negotiations;
  • breaking up with a beloved man – indicates the need to help parents financially;
  • breaking up with a girl-friend – means receiving good news;
  • breaking up with an ex-boyfriend – is a symbol of luck.
    Top-2 negative meanings of breaking-up in dreams:
  • Separating from a loved one on your own initiative may be a sign of long illness.
  • To part with a beloved and not regret it – predicts a loss of a valuable thing.
    Top-2 positive meanings of dream about breaking-up:
  • To part with a partner by mutual agreement means receiving a valuable gift.
  • Parting with your husband / wife for several days – means getting acquainted with an influential patron.

According to Freud's dream book, such a dream portends a romantic adventure. If a pregnant woman dreams of separation from her beloved man, this plot promises the birth of a healthy child; for a young woman breaking up in a dream may predict intimate relations with a childhood friend.

If a young man broke up with his girlfriend in a dream and didn’t get upset, this means success in business. If he was crying because of the breakup, this is a sign that you are not confident.

According to Vanga’s dream book, a breakup with a partner because of his betrayal is dreaming as a sign of scandal in the family.

Nostradamus thinks if you dreamed that you divorced your wife and offered to remain friends, this plot is a sign of regret about a hasty decision.

Breaking up with a girl in a dream and finding out that she wants to marry another man is a sign of deterioration of family relations.

According to the English dream book, such a dream portends career advancement. According to the French dream book, separation from a loved one in a dream predicts a good offer from competitors.

According to the Muslim dream book, such a dream promises a misunderstanding in relations with loved ones. According to the Islamic dream book, to break off relations with an intimate partner in a dream predicts a slight malaise.

4.3 (3)
Sergii Garanenko

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  • The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Author). Publisher: Publishing(February 1, 2017). ISBN-13: 978-1420954388
  • Psychology and Alchemy, by C. G. Jung (Author). Publisher: Princeton University Press; 2nd edition (October 1, 1980). ISBN-13: 978-0691018317
  • The Dictionary of Dreams: Every Meaning Interpreted 1st Edition by Gustavus Hindman Miller (Author), Sigmund Freud (Author), Henri Bergson (Author). ISBN-13: 978-1577151562

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