Ex-girlfriend Dream Meaning
When you see a dream about your ex girlfriend, you should pay attention to the general atmosphere and mood that this image had. Pleasant memories mean that your relations had a logical ending.
If you had a dream about ex girlfriend and you felt worried in the morning and kept thinking about this plot, this means there is a lot remained unsaid between you. The dreambooks recommend getting used to another status of your relations with this person.
If a girl sees a dream about her boyfriends’ ex, this is just a reflection of her worries about her past and the past of other people. The dreambooks state that this worries are vain, there is no reason to be jealous. This plot is also telling that she is lacking self-confidence. This dream is also a reminder about the value of romantic feelings.
If you happened to meet your ex girlfriend in a dream, the interpreters promise you new love or romantic acquaintance.
Sex with your ex girlfriend in a dream means that your past will sooner or later remind of itself. Mostly probable the memories will not be pleasant ones, they will bring some worries.
A dream about your pregnant ex girlfriend is a symbol that your current relations will not come to a dead end, as it happened last time. The initiative will come from your new partner.
If you see your ex girlfriend’s wedding, this is interpreted quite positive: you finally managed to let your past go. Nothing restrains you from moving forward, you are open for new beginnings and meetings.
If your ex girlfriend was crying in your dream, this can be an unfavorable sign about some problems. But besides that you will be pleased to know how many people care about you and are ready to help.
A dream kiss with your ex girlfriend is a symbol that a lot of your current problems and conflicts have roots in your past that you can not let go. Take this dream as a signal to move from memories to actions.
If you had a dream that your ex girlfriend came back to you, this dream can be interpreted literally, but this doesn’t happen very often. Usually such dreams give you a hint to understand what is lacking in your life at the moment.