Guy You Know Dream Meaning

Why can on dream of a familiar guy? Dream interpretation offers several interpretations of this image. A vision in a dream foreshadows support, success in business, the interest of this young man to the dreamer. It can also warn about competition, trouble.
The dreamed image of a guy you know promises a successful course of affairs, receiving good news. Remember how you communicated with him - this indicates how your endeavors will advance.
For a girl to see a male acquaintance in a dream means: she is personally interested in this young man, sympathizes with him more than others. A handsome young man promises to a woman a series of light hobbies, success with men and pleasant flirting.
If the guy you are acquainted with hugs you and whispers something pleasant (without sexual implication), this means you will happen to be under protection, and will receive support. This image also promises pleasant events that will help you forget about routine for a while.
If he hugged your waist in a dream, this means you will be the object of admiration, but not necessarily by the guy you saw.
Did you dreamed how you met with a friend from the Internet, and he hugs you? Hope for new relationships, great interest in this person. But do not rush the events.

- The dreambooks pay attention to the actions of your acquaintance:
- Smiles – he is being a little insincere;
- Makes a love confession – someone will open his soul to you;
- Kisses you – someone likes you a lot, maybe this young man;
- Hugs you and doesn’t let you go – someone is constantly thinking about you;
- Picks on you – you are trying to call interest to your personality.
If an old acquaintance kissed your neck, this is a hint that a guy from whom you do not expect it will get interested in you. If he kissed your hand, this is a symbol that he wants more than just flirting.
If you often see a familiar young man in a dream, this is a sign that you are interested in him and would like him to pay attention to you.
If you see dreams about a guy you know but do not feel any sympathy, this means you will find out some news that will touch you.
If you often see a guy whom you are greeting every day: this means he is thinking a lot about you.
If a man constantly meets a male friend in dreams, this is a warning. In heart matters, the dreamer has a strong competitor that can influence his relationship with his girlfriend.

If you see a guy you barely know (from another group, class, next office), some affairs are being planned behind your back.
Dreamed of a neighbor whom you see once in a while? There will be minor troubles in the relationship with him. Try to avoid conflicts.
A young man you barely know in your house is a sign to gather all your strength and resist the coming difficulties.
A new acquaintance came to you at work and offered to date him? Dream Interpretation promises: a very profitable, pleasant business proposal will soon arrive.
If he carried you on his hands, you will receive serious support in your endeavors.
A kiss with someone who you care about, but who does not show signs of affection in reality, promises, according to the dream book: he will soon begin to notice the dreamer from the multitude of girls he knows. Did you dream of sex with him? The dreamer wants to be the object of his adoration.
If you dreamed that he was naked and picking on you, this means someone wants to make you do what you don’t like. Try to mark your position firmly.
Find out in a dream that some acquaintance died? Serious troubles will begin, and you can overcome them only by asking friends and relatives for help.
A redhead friend or colleague heralds an improvement in affairs.