Wasp Sting Dream Meaning
What is the wasp dream meaning and symbolism? A wasp seen in a dream is a sign of ill-wishers in your close surrounding. Besides that this image may predict a quarrel with a friend or financial loss.
What does it mean if you dream of being stung by a wasp? If a wasp has stung you in a dream, you should get ready for gossip, hostility and a sudden attack of ill-wishers. If a wasp suddenly stung you, this dream image shows that you are an extremely gullible and gentle person; others do not hesitate to use you. Sometimes the dreambooks can give quite a definite explanation of a wasp sting – you will get scolding from your employer and will be very upset by the situation. The image of wasp sting can also indicate that you are tired and annoyed and this will definitely result in conflict.
According to Miller, if a wasp stung you, you will have a lot of enviers and ill-wishers who will poison your life with minor troubles. A wasp bite can also reflect difficulties in your business affairs because of others’ behavior. It is better if you saw another person being stung: this means that your ill-wishers will get what they deserve.
- If you were stung by a wild wasp swarm, the dreambooks suspect that your troubles are caused by your relatives. If you remember your actions at the moment of insects’ attack, you can get better interpretation of the dream:
- Waving them off – intrigues;
- Running away – reproaches;
- Hiding from them – be patient;
- You were afraid of them – be careful;
- Killing them – you will cope with all the difficulties.
If a swarm attacked you but their stings didn’t bring you any discomfort, you can be sure that your bosses and colleagues value and respect you a lot. A wasp sting in the hand warns about ill-wishers who can harm your happiness. Even a relations break is possible after such dream. But if you waved the insect off and it didn’t manage to sting your hand, this plot means you will find out where the threat comes from and will prevent the worst result.
A sting in a hand is a suggestion that you are wasting too much money in vain. The same plot seen by a young girl can mean she will regret acting silly. If a wasp stung you in the finger, you will quarrel with a person you care about because of some silly talks and this will bring serious consequences. If the finger got incredibly swollen after a sting and became huge, this dream image predicts a sudden, fast and great success.
A wasp sting in the leg promises joy related to big income or valuable purchase. But if the wasp stung you in the leg and it got really swollen and red, this plot means that you should be prepared for trouble. The dreambooks also assume that you can lose stability in your life if you accept a doubtful proposition.
A wasp sting in the ear brings you a much unexpected idea that will help you fulfill an unusual plan. But the same plot may have a negative interpretation predicting humiliation and losing dignity. If you got stung by a wasp in a dream and had to take out the sting, this plot points out that your wish didn’t come true yet because of your complexes. Seeing a sting in another person’s body means that you will need to help someone, even if you are not sure in your abilities.
- What kind of wasps did you dream about?
- white wasps - mean rest with the family;
- red wasps - an invitation to a holiday;
- black wasps - warn of some little trouble;
- small wasps - represent vain hopes;
- large wasps - symbolize strengthening one's authority in society;
- wild wasps - mean income increase;
- dead wasps - a quarrel with loved ones.
- What were the wasps doing in your dream?
- wasps attacking people - means false accusations from colleagues;
- a wasp got into your mouth - the emergence of a new source of income;
- wasps flying around the table - a meeting with an old friend;
- seeing wasps making a nest - coming relocation;
- if a wasp stung a kitten - an unexpected receipt of a gift.
- Where did you see the wasps in your dream?
- a wasp in a watermelon - sign of financial difficulties;
- seeing wasps in a pear - predicts the visit of long-awaited guests;
- dream of wasps in raspberries - the successful implementation of the plan;
- dream of wasps in a jar - to the beginning of work on a profitable project;
- seeing wasps in the ground - means an unfavorable coincidence of circumstances;
- a wasp in an apartment room - success in business;
- dream of a wasp on the window - news from a distant relative;
- dream of wasps in a cobweb - intrigues on the part of ill-wishers;
- wasps in the car - an important conversation with the boss;
- seeing a wasp in one's clothes in a dream - represents lack of attention from loved ones;
- wasps on flowers - positive changes in personal life;
- wasp in bed in a dream - romance during a business trip;
- seeing a wasp on the wall - scandal with neighbors;
- wasps on the floor - communication with a hypocritical person;
- seeing wasps on the ceiling in the house - means relocation;
- a dream of a wasp in one's underpants - sign of self-doubt;
- a wasp in the ear - having a rest;
- a wasp in the navel - the disruption of plans;
- dream of a wasp in the nose - means participating in a fight;
- dream of wasps in the hair - a meeting with an influential person;
- seeing a wasp in the palm of your hand - promises an invitation to a date;
- a wasp sting on the head - solving problems;
- seeing a wasp on one's lip - gossip in the work team;
- a wasp on the finger in a dream - disappointment in love;
- dream of a wasp on the forehead - misunderstanding in relationships with loved ones;
- a wasp under the skin - replenishment in the family;
- seeing a wasp on the eyelashes - the dreamer's disclosure of someone else's secret;
- seeing wasps on a corpse - someone's life is in danger.
- What are the Top-5 negative dreams about wasps?
- A flying wasp in dreams speaks of an unpleasant conversation with the boss.
- Wasps crawling on glass - symbolize deterioration in the financial situation.
- If you dreamed that a wasp got tangled in your hair, this is a sign of health problem.
- If a wasp got caught in the web - this means negative changes in personal life.
- A dream in which a wasp is chasing you promises communication with an obsessive person.
- Here is the list of Top-5 positive meanings of dreams about wasps:
- A wasp that stung a dog in a dream symbolizes good health.
- If a wasp sat on a berry - this is a sign of mutual love.
- A wasp sitting on a bright flower - means self-confidence.
- If you dreamed that wasps were flying over the head of the ill-wisher, this means achieving the goal.
- If they were flying around the wasp nest - this means good news.
Wasps made a nest: real-life signs and superstitions.