Piercing Dream Meaning

The tradition of piercing one or another spot has existed since time immemorial. The decoration fashionable today helped recognize tribesmen and designate their social status.
According to Miller, if you dreamed of gold piercing on your face, the dreamer can be expecting an interesting and profitable occupation. This is not the only explanation for the piercing in a dream. If the metal piercing is located in the auricle, the dreamer will be the first to find out the great news. Rusty or broken jewelry promises unpleasant conversations and gossip behind your back.
People who see themselves with face pierced in a dream are usually trying to attract attention in reality. Usually there is a definite person whose attention you are trying to win.
If you dreamed of face piercing, the dream book of the Wanderer promises popularity. But it does not specify which one. Not the fact that you will enjoy such fame.
If you dreamed of disproportionally big piercing, the dreambooks recommend to be more selective in the ways of self-assertion: the risk of getting into a mess is very high now.
Tongue piercing symbolizes dissatisfaction with your unsuccessful remark. A keen desire to take back your words haunts you even in a dream. Another explanation is that you are seized by the temptation to lie and embellish, in order to put yourself in the best light, as you think.
Eastern Oracle claims that you will achieve the best results by acting at the behest of your heart if you had a dream about lip piercing. Seeing another person’s lips with piercing is a warning that you have a serious rival.
The nose piercing indicates a desire to gain universal fame. To do this, you need quite a bit: it will be just enough to make efforts in this direction.
In the English dreambook, a beautiful nose piercing heralds a long period of well-being and entertainment, you can truly enjoy life. There is another interpretation of seeing yourself with a ring in his nose. The favorable period for the manifestation of activity is approaching. You will be successful in any endeavors.
The dream interpretation of Aesop considers pierced eyebrows a warning. One trusted person is plotting evil. In the near future, be vigilant and rely only on yourself.
If you can’t stop admiring your brow piercing in the mirror, you will get invited for a date or have a new interesting acquaintance.

- As for the pierced navel, the dreambooks give the following interpretations:
- If you see your beloved person with a pierced belly-button, this means you have reasons to be jealous;
- A big stone in the belly-button shows your desire to feel the center of the universe;
- Trying to hide your navel piercing represents your looking for a patron in reality;
- The symbol reflects your secret wish to return to your childhood.
Erotic dreambook offers a detailed interpretation of the dream, which includes piercing nipples and intimate places. Dream interpretation believes that doing this piercing in a dream happens to lovers, thirsting for closer relationships and strong feelings.
If a woman dreamed of nipples with jewelry, the symbol means her need for motherhood and breastfeeding.
If the decorated nipples were dreamed by a man, this means that the dreamer is focused on creating a strong large family.
It is curious to know the meaning of dream of piercing the clitoris. The symbol represents fear or unwillingness to participate in an upcoming event, but the dreamer seems to have no choice.