Mother-in-law Dream Meaning

It is customary to call the mother-in-law the second mother: for a long time it was believed that when a girl gets married, she leaves her family and becomes a daughter for her husband's parents. However, in real life, relationships sometimes do not develop as rosy as we would like. Therefore, interpreters offer a number of different answers to the question “why is the mother-in-law seen in a dream?” The result of deciphering this symbol depends on many factors: what exactly happened in the dream between the sleeping woman and her relative, what mood both women were in, what kind of ending the dream plot had.
For an unmarried girl, a dream about the mother of a husband who does not yet exist may seem strange, but such a night dream has a certain meaning.
Seeing a mother-in-law in a dream, talking to her predicts appearance of new acquaintances of the opposite sex in the girl's circle of communication. It is possible that one of the newfound friends will become the dreamer's spouse in the future. However, if the conversation with an older relative was tense or hostile, the meaning of the dream changes. In this case, this is a warning that the sleeping person should not be too trusting with new acquaintances, otherwise she will have to learn an unpleasant lesson about human meanness and cunning.

For a married lady, such a dream is a sign of new commitments or hard work that the dreamer will have to take on in the absence of other people willing to do it. Sometimes a dream warns of a sudden visit of unpleasant guests.
A pregnant woman who sees her mother-in-law who offers her help in any matter in a dream, should reconsider her regime and daily routine. A dream is a signal from the body that physical or psychological stress does not correspond the dreamer’s position. The expectant mother should pay more attention to herself and rest more often.
It is believed that dreams about the former mother-in-law (the mother of your ex-husband) often indicate nostalgia and regret about the divorce that the dreamer's husband experiences. If the spouses broke up in the heat of the moment, for a trifling reason, it may make sense to try renewing the relationship.
Seeing your ex mother-in-law in a dream who is aggressive towards the dreamer is a warning: the mother of the ex-husband blames the woman for the family collapse. She spreads gossip about the dreamer at any opportunity.
Sometimes women have a rather disturbing and painful dream: the mother-in-law is dying or has already died. In general, dreams about the dead are often harbingers of various troubles, and the nuances of the dream storyline will help guess their nature.
If in a dream someone tells you that the spouse's mother died, you should prepare for difficult times that will soon overtake your family or someone from close relatives.
A dream in which a sleeping person has to take care of a dying mother-in-law symbolizes significant health problems in one of her husband's parents.

Seeing your mother-in-law at the cemetery, in a coffin is an extremely unfavorable sign that promises a difficult life period, marked by the emergence of numerous problems. Negative changes will affect personal relationships, health, professional activity and other life areas of the dreamer.
However, sometimes the dream about the death of a relative has no prophetic connotation, but only reflects negative feelings towards her, which the dreamer is trying to suppress, considering them inappropriate.
A dream in which a relative in-law appears in front of the gaze of a dreamer nude promises the dreamer a grave shame and an indelible stain on her reputation. Try to think over your every, even the smallest deed. Any mistake you make in the near future can have the most dire consequences.
According to some interpretations, the dream image of a naked mother-in-law speaks of gossip and unfounded accusations against the dreamer.
If you dreamed of a mother-in-law who cried for any reason or for no reason, you should expect troubles regarding your personal life and relationships with loved ones. You may be experiencing severe disappointment with the person you are used to trusting.
The dream in which the dreaming woman was quarreling with the crying mother-in-law predicts a major family conflict provoked by the spouse's parents. A woman who has such a dream should be prepared for the fact that her husband will not support her and will be taking the side of his mother in an argument.
If you dream that you are giving your spouse's mother a large, beautiful, expensive gift, you should analyze your behavior: perhaps you are unconsciously trying to please others, even if it goes against your own interests.

- The meaning of dreams about father-in-law (husband's father):
- to dream of a father-in-law who has actually already died: means the relative worries about you and tries, if possible, to look after you from the other world.
- the spouse's father was angry or taciturn: beware of a big scandal with a close friend.
- a conversation with a father-in-law turns out to be confusing and meaningless: a problem will arise in your professional activity or other important matters soon.
- a relative's aggression directed at you personally symbolizes a serious conflict with a partner that will not slow down to flare up in the near future.
What does a dream about your wife’s mother mean? Some experts are inclined to explain any dream plot in which the wife's mother appears with the latent irritation that the man has accumulated in relation to his relative. However, other interpreters offer more varied explanations of a dream.
Karatov claims that the man who dreamed of his mother-in-law should put off all his affairs: anyway, everything will fall out of his hands today, any undertaking will be unsuccessful. Ivanov believes that the dream of the mother-in-law (wife’s mother) foreshadows a major family scandal. Erickson, on the contrary, offers an optimistic interpretation, according to which the dreamy image of a mother-in-law symbolizes reconciliation after a protracted quarrel.