I dream that we had a big AC in my mom's house outside and we were keeping 2 coffins there with my grandma from my moms side and my great grandma from my dad's. They both passed away years ago. In my dream we were keeping them there so we could bury them some day and we just kept postponing it. We had put them in there with a big balloon/ball with a string that apparently they were super attached to in real life and they would take them everywhere which is why we put it in their coffin. One was red and one yellow. I told my mom we should take them out the coffins first and keep them as a memory of them and she agreed and opened the coffins with the mummy like bodies. After that we were preparing to bury the coffins next to each other in my mom's yard but we wanted to make sure it was ok with the law first so they wouldn't think it was something bad we were up to because this was really meaningful to us.
Seeing Coffin In A Dream Meaning And Symbolism
- Spiritual meaning of coffin in a dream.
- Seeing a black coffin dream meaning.
- Dream about red coffin spiritual meaning.

Spiritual meaning of coffin in a dream.
What is the spiritual meaning of a casket in a dream? A coffin seen in a dream has a number of various interpretations depending on details. According to Biblical meaning, this symbol often characterizes some kind of completeness, ending of something or rupture of relations.
- Grishina’s dreambook gives the following interpretations of this image:
- If the coffin was open and empty, then it means something threatens life of your loved one.
- Seeing yourself inside a casket is a barrier to the implementation of some projects.
- Lying inside a coffin means committing a sin or experiencing the fear of something unknown.
Hasse thinks that looking at the wooden box in a dream predicts some barriers. Dream interpreter advises to be persistent and active. This is the only way to overcome all difficulties. Looking inside a coffin is a sign of hassle. Being inside a casket - predicts a long and carefree life.
Watching someone carry a coffin is a symbol of bad news. Digging a hole promises meaningful marriage.
If you saw a casket already buried into ground, you will have to face some health problems. An open coffin predicts a joyful event, Hasse thinks.

According to the Modern dreambook, if you had a dream about an empty casket, this symbol predicts a long life. If the dead person lies in it this plot predicts concerns and problems, especially for those who are planning new initiatives; perhaps these changes will not bring anything good at the moment.
Seeing a catafalque move is a warning that you will get dishonored because of your own behavior soon. The Modern dreambook advises you to think about how you behave with others, it may be worth being more restrained and gentle towards other people.
What is the biblical meaning of dreaming of a coffin? The appearance of a coffin in a dream can portend bereavement, early death of a dear person. To see a coffin strewn with flowers in a church means an unsuccessful marriage. An empty coffin symbolizes inner emptiness and spiritual hardships.
A dream where you made a casket with your own hands predicts promotion at work. Stealing planking or boards intended for a coffin is a sign of risk or danger.
Luydmila Shereminskaya gives detailed interpretation of the coffin images in dreams. If you saw it half-open you may be sure to achieve your goal very soon. Seeing your friend or acquaintance in a coffin predicts receiving good news about him soon.
Seeing coffin in a dream predicts coming marriage for young people. For those who are already married this plot brings financial improvements. To see yourself as a dead person in a dream means successful completion of important matters.
Danilova predicts a quarrel with your beloved if you see a coffin in a dream. For married couples, this dream promises a loss of mutual understanding in the relationship, perhaps even the unforeseen death of one of the spouses.

Vanga states that it is a very bad sign to see funeral in your dreams and to understand with horror that your initials are written on the coffin. Such a dream means that you need to change yourself as quickly as possible and drastically change your behavior and lifestyle in general. Otherwise, you will not be able to avoid negative consequences.
The Wanderer’s dreambook associates the image of coffin in a dream with something unpleasant, grief or loss. To participate in the mourning ceremony and at help carry the coffin is a sign that you will commit some nasty act in reality, and thus bring a lot of grief to a loved one.
Digging up the coffin - the secret will become revealed, burying it - trying to forget a certain case.
A coffin without a dead man is evidence of spiritual experiences and emptiness. To see a coffin falling is a good sign, promising that your guardian angel will save you from some terrible disaster.
Sometimes the coffin seen in a dream personifies the desire to defend yourself against the attacks of the modern world. The dream interpretation of Aesop says that seeing yourself carrying the deceased is a good financial income in reality.
Nailing a coffin in a dream is a sign showing you would like to get rid of drawbacks and weaknesses.
Seeing a black coffin dream meaning.
What is the black coffin dream meaning? A dream of a closed black coffin is explained by the Esoteric Dream Book. So, according to esotericists, such a dream portends mysterious events, the emergence of new, unforeseen circumstances that will affect the measured course of a sleeping person's life.
Pastor Loff's dream book associates the image of black casket in a dream with a missed chance and loss of prospects. Seeing yourself in a boarded-up little coffin speaks about a possible block in important matters, which will affect relationships with others and work colleagues. For people who are busy with a career, this is a rather unfavorable sign, speaking about a loss against a competitor, a rival.
According to Miller's dream book, such a dream promises serious competition. A black coffin in the house is a sign of promotion. Seeing a black casket at the cemetery - means revealing the dreamer's secrets; if you saw a black coffin in the water, this means wealth.
- What kind of black coffin did you see in a dream?
- open black casket - apathy;
- closed black coffin - the risk of missing out on the opportunity to change your life;
- empty black coffin - a period of well-being;
- a stone black coffin in dreams means popularity;
- a black wooden casket - the emergence of new perspectives in life;
- a black iron coffin - the risk of suffering from the actions of scammers.
- What are the Top-5 negative dreams about black casket?
- A small black coffin in dreams symbolizes a waste of time.
- Black iron coffin - resentment against a loved one.
- Falling into a black coffin - the loss of a valuable thing.
- Carrying a black coffin in a dream - protracted depression.
- Seeing how a casket is lowered into the ground - financial difficulties.
- Here are the Top-5 black coffin dream meanings:
- A new black coffin in dreams means solving problems.
- An expensive black coffin - the emergence of an additional source of income.
- Buying a black coffin in a dream promises well-being and prosperity.
- Closing a black casket - the end of the period of failures.
- Lying in a black casket - symbolizes a family holiday.
Dream about red coffin spiritual meaning.
Dreaming of a red coffin usually symbolize financial difficulties and depression. Besides that, you may get some interesting news.
What is the dream meaning of red casket? A dream of a closed red coffin standing in the dreamer's house warns of losses. A difficult period of testing lies ahead, Miller is sure, interpreting why an empty red funeral box appears in a dream. A girl who happened to see a red lid from a coffin in a dream is warned by a dream book against an unsuccessful marriage.
Did you dream of a red coffin with a dead person? So, expect some news in reality. If the deceased turned out to be a relative of the dreamer, the information received will relate to the character he saw. Seeing a living person in the red casket heralds joyful meetings and new acquaintances.
- What kind of red coffin did you dream about?
- closed red coffin - returning debts to the dreamer;
- open red casket - falling in love with a two-faced person;
- empty red coffin - deterioration of professional reputation;
- red casket with a lid - receiving an expensive gift;
- red wooden coffin - committing a bad deed;
- red zinc coffin - losing in court;
- red coffin with a living person - the loss of valuable documents;
- red casket with the dead person - an unplanned business trip;
- red coffin with the revived dead - a strong fright;
- red coffin with your beloved man - vain hopes;
- red coffin with an unfamiliar girl - an invitation to a date;
- red coffin with a dead child - a serious illness;
- red coffin with a deceased friend - receiving financial assistance.
- What are the Top-5 negative red coffin dream meanings?
- An oak red coffin in dreams is a sign of losses.
- A red marble casket - means bad news and trouble at work.
- Opening a red coffin in a dream - a nervous breakdown.
- If you dream that you lie down in it - means health deterioration.
- If you dreamed that a loved one lies in a red coffin, this means a period of loneliness.
- Here are the Top-5 positive dreams about red coffin:
- A red coffin in the house is a symbol of success.
- Seeing a red casket the temple - self-development.
- Buying a red coffin means truce with an ill-wisher.
- Breaking a red casket - receiving a bonus and career growth.
- Lowering it into the grave - the end of the period of failures.
So I lost my brother this April, it was not due to the pandemic, sadly other health issues. When I dreamt of the coffin, I had unburied his coffin and opened it. There he lied but it was his skeleton, with the same blue suit and red tie with white shirt we dressed him with. I didn’t have a sense of fear, but more of a sense of relief, like if I had to do it. Like if I hd set something or someone free.
I dream at the cemetery with my elementary classmate picking trash and inside the shade I see peoe washing coffin with blood and dirt..i hope none of those symbolize bad news and accident and loss. Protect as GOD